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Recent content by corbett._

  1. corbett._

    QBUS Extended Dealership QBCOre and others

    try this Just add the sql first then ensure lc-dealership. Does need translated though to english, pretty simple to do.
  2. corbett._

    QBUS Extended Dealership QBCOre and others

    I'll look into this today and see what's going on with it.
  3. corbett._

    QBUS Extended Dealership QBCOre and others

    Go into client.lua replace "Framework = nil" with "local QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()" then find any Framework: and replace with QBCore:
  4. corbett._

    QBUS Extended Dealership QBCOre and others

    Go into config.lua find "Framework:GetObject" & replace with "QBCore:GetObject"
  5. corbett._

    QBUS Thug Chat v2

    No luck yet. Someone must have it :rolleyes:
  6. corbett._

    QBUS QB-Trucking Logistics 2023 Free [Working Open Source, Please Contribute!]

    Fixed the sql and works perfect, great script
  7. corbett._

    5Real + LA Revo 2.0 (June 2023 update) (FIVEM READY)

    PREVIEW -=Stripped Content=- 8GB DOWNLOAD! Place inside resource folder & ensure 5real la revo2.0 JUNE 2023 UPDATE. TESTED AND WORKING.
  8. corbett._


  9. corbett._

    QBUS Thug Chat v2

    Thug Chat V2 - Anyone got this?
  10. corbett._

    QBUS FiveM Ambulance Job [ESX & QBCore] | Brutal Scripts

    Just add lua54 'yes' under the line games { 'gta5' } in fxmanifest.lua. Works great with new qbcore
  11. corbett._

    NP NP 4.0 Vehicles Sounds

    from sports classics to suvs are encrypted.
  12. corbett._

    STANDALONE Codem - Chat (chat-theme) [ESX][QB]

    I was going to install it but when you look in the files all image urls are down, so guessing the text logos are missing
  13. corbett._

    QBUS Vehicle shop

    IF YOUR GETTING THIS ERROR: SCRIPT ERROR: @qb-cardealer/server/main.lua:14: attempt to index a nil value (global 'QBCore') FOLLOW THESE STEPS TO FIX QB-CARDEALER > SERVER > MAIN.LUA Replace QBCore = nil with local QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject() QB-CARDEALER > CLIENT > MAIN.LUA...
  14. corbett._

    QBUS Tgiann Vehicleshop OPEN SOURCE

    ! Cannot open C:\Users\dekstoppc\Desktop\tgiann-vehicleshop (1).rar Operation did not complete successfully because the file contains a virus or potentially unwanted software. ! C:\Users\jorda\Desktop\tgiann-vehicleshop (1).rar: No files to extract ALSO THIS IS NOT TGIANN VEHICLE SHOP
  15. corbett._

    QBUS LS-MDT v1

    Is this V3? any screenshots?