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Recent content by Liamnealson1990

  1. Liamnealson1990

    QBUS NoPixel Clothes 2-3-22

  2. Liamnealson1990

    QBUS Core Crafting v1.1

    Please check the config file. Most likely just a syntax error. If your still having issues, tell me your core name I will do it for you and send it back.
  3. Liamnealson1990

    QBUS Core Crafting v1.1

    Are there any server-side errors? What happens once you start the script? I will retest it on my end but seems to work fine when I last checked it.
  4. Liamnealson1990

    QBUS Core Crafting v1.1

    Hmmm strange
  5. Liamnealson1990

    QBUS Core Crafting v1.1

    Let me know if you have any issues.
  6. Liamnealson1990

    QBUS Core Crafting v1.1

    No problem
  7. Liamnealson1990

    QBUS Core Crafting v1.1

    Sorry must of forgot to attach it.
  8. Liamnealson1990

    QBUS Core Crafting v1.1

    Core Crafting v1.1 for qbus framework. The original file kicking about was extremely broken. I've fixed all the errors and works as intended. I have made a few changes to the original version: Images come from the qb-inventory file. Separate categories for locations. For example, gun crafting...
  9. Liamnealson1990

    QBUS [QBCore] Vehicleshop w finance

    Interesting... But does it take the finance off?