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Recent content by Wandilengato

  1. W

    STANDALONE [NP-RADIALMENU] 4.0 only 5 credits

    This is standalone version man.. but i make the example in ESX because i don't have any fw only esx qb and mercy fw
  2. W

    STANDALONE [NP-RADIALMENU] 4.0 only 5 credits

    yes. if you not to try, you can't know yet
  3. W

    STANDALONE [NP-RADIALMENU] 4.0 only 5 credits

    that's the example dude.. you can use this resource in any fw
  4. W

    STANDALONE [NP-RADIALMENU] 4.0 only 5 credits

    dm aja di discord : wandilengato
  5. W

    QBUS QbCore Meteo NP 4.0 Inspired Server that I paid $10 for, It's bug free and work!

    i'll buy 2x credit in total 50credit.. and i'm not receive permission.. can you accept in my gmail : wandilengato4@gmail.com
  6. W

    STANDALONE [NP-Textui] 4.0

    this is just textui [E] not include on context.. and it's work.. just follow the readme
  7. W

    STANDALONE [NP-Textui] 4.0

    emang apa yang di cari?
  8. W

    STANDALONE [NP-Textui] 4.0

    standalone, bisa di semua framework mau itu esx atau pun qb
  9. W

    NP NoPixel V3.5 Clone Server [Bought from Fiverr]

    can this be downloaded? i want to buy but streamed assets link is broken?
  10. W

    STANDALONE [NP-Textui] 4.0

    this is not input man, i recorded the textui E to introduce in here
  11. W

    STANDALONE [NP-Textui] 4.0

  12. W

    STANDALONE [NP-RADIALMENU] 4.0 only 5 credits

    yeah because you see my function scripts.. you just put your script or calling in another scripts to make radial working
  13. W

    STANDALONE [NP-RADIALMENU] 4.0 only 5 credits

    yes you can.. just bring coffee to make it works
  14. W


    Good job dude, nice works