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Search results

  1. omegalov

    QBUS nc-playTimeShop

    hey link expired, no downlaod link can you renew it?
  2. omegalov

    STANDALONE 20 CREDITS | [QB+ESX] SD-Bobcat (Samuel Developments)

    need sd-lib unless it not work
  3. omegalov

    QBUS [Row House Robbery]

    thank you now it worked
  4. omegalov

    QBUS [Row House Robbery]

    @David12 need row-props to work, do you have? cuz right now it doesnt work
  5. omegalov

    QBUS QBUS VAR Heist [Never Leaked Before] Cost 35 Euro for open source

    script not working, no isntallation file, even try to use var helmet but it dont appear, waste of credits, unless you post intallation.
  6. omegalov

    hey, rn-vehicleshop could you halp install it correctly, cuz rn when i buy car data base doesnt...

    hey, rn-vehicleshop could you halp install it correctly, cuz rn when i buy car data base doesnt detect car model and hash so when i try to put car in garage it doesnt let me take you causig errors . in the photo last vehicle was bought with this rn-vehicle shop , show null and that causes error...
  7. omegalov

    QBUS Ron Vehicle Shop (Tested + SQL)

    could you halp install it correctly, cuz rn when i buy car data base doesnt detect car model and hash so when i try to put car in garage it doesnt let me take you causig errors . in the photo last vehicle was bought with this rn-vehicle shop , show null and that causes error other cars that was...
  8. omegalov

    QBUS [QBCore] Casino Pack (Roulette, blackjack, horse,..)

    link broke and dont work
  9. omegalov

    QBUS Oil rig heist with MLO for QBCore

    Can you send link cant find any.
  10. omegalov

    QBUS M-HouseRobbery

    it doesnt let me to rob the house :( is it work for you?