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Recent content by Pradox575

  1. Pradox575


    weed like esx_weed and you just need to set process coords and if you have any issue add this line in your resource.cfg [ restart qb-weed] Download : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JPor9jGyBpVFglN2Qqq8XaUAyKdf5KDN/view?usp=sharing Fixed By ! CAPTAiN | PRADOX#9152
  2. Pradox575

    QBUS [QBus] BB-Garages Fixed

    i have no credit
  3. Pradox575

    QBUS RLRP Vehicle Shop and synced it with qbus default sql ( bbvehicle --> Player_vehicle )Now you can use this rlrlp vehicle shop with qbus default sql a

    RLRP Vehicle Shop and synced it with qbus default sql ( bbvehicle --> Player_vehicle ) Now you can use this rlrlp vehicle shop with qbus default sql and you dont need to wipe your sql data. Mod Edit : Link removed due to not being available anymore, OP please update it.
  4. Pradox575

    QBUS [QBus] BB-Garages Fixed
