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Search results

  1. G

    QBUS Renewed-Banking NoPixel 4.0 Inspired

    -=Stripped Content=-
  2. G

    QBUS AC-Target I NoPixel 4.0 inspired Target I Works Fine

    no link? refund credits please
  3. G

    STANDALONE GFX MDT | [QB/ESX] | Open-Source

    Preview: Download: -=Stripped Content=-
  4. G

    MNRP full website | code accessible

    Half of this website is translated into english, half of this is in Czech. Logos and banners can be easily changed: mnrp > images. Would'nt reccommend touching javascript, otherwise a great website. -=Stripped Content=-
  5. G

    STANDALONE [15C] Anti Eulen

    ANTIEULEN What does it do? Drops/kicks player from the server that injects EULEN. It is fully obfuscated and there is no ban function. Seems to be working great tho! PREVIEW: https://streamable.com/8ccg4w -=Stripped Content=-
  6. G

    Fivem Web User Panel

    Accounts can be set from the database. There you can set the password and username. Last time I checked, it worked.
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    Fivem Web User Panel

    you sure? I will try to upload a new link
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    Fivem Web User Panel

    yes, it is
  9. G

    Fivem Web User Panel

    PREVIEW: DOWNLOAD: -=Stripped Content=- The file includes qbus and esx integrations, which can be changed from the config. UPDATED LINK!!!
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    Preview: Link: -=Stripped Content=-
  11. G

    STANDALONE Grand RP User Menu

    You will need to put your triggers/exports to your scipts, this is just a visual ui with clientside. -=Stripped Content=-