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Search results

  1. K

    QBUS ak-4y_battlepass / ak-4y_vipSystem

    The scripts working in all qbcore or qbus
  2. K

    QBUS ak-4y_battlepass / ak-4y_vipSystem

    upppp this script for all people!!!!
  3. K

    QBUS ak-4y_battlepass / ak-4y_vipSystem

    Of course it works fine, from what I see you are the only one who doesn't work. You had to do something wrong.
  4. K

    QBUS ak-4y_battlepass / ak-4y_vipSystem

    The price was lowered to 15 so that everyone can get the scripts, I remind you that they are working 100% with all their configuration files
  5. K

    QBUS ak-4y_battlepass / ak-4y_vipSystem

    because it is fully functional
  6. K

    QBUS ak-4y_battlepass / ak-4y_vipSystem

    As I previously did with JIM-MECHANIC, now I do it with ak4y and two scripts that are highly sought after and needed by this community. The script that I bring you today I will leave you for 20 credits since it does not have any type of bug at all and it is the latest version so far. This is...
  7. K

    QBUS QBCORE - Zbug Multicharacter

    thx for sharng +rep +rep
  8. K

    ESX AK4Y MultiCharecter (OPEN SOURCE)

    thx for sharng +rep +rep
  9. K

    QBUS QB Criminal Doctor

    gracias bro es lindo dios
  10. K

    QBUS Advanced Drug Creator

    thanks bro is pretty god
  11. K

    QBUS Jim mechanic latest version without errors

    I bring you the latest version of Jim mechanic's leak with which you will have all the problems solved, it should be noted that it is not compatible with ox_inventory unless you change the way in which the ox inventory searches for objects -=Stripped Content=-
  12. K

    QBUS [QBCore] T1ger Mechanicjob
