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Recent content by cfsc

  1. cfsc

    QBUS QBCore ChopShop

    After destroying the car, I go to sell the parts or destroy it, I don't know, and the menu doesn't appear to me
  2. cfsc

    STANDALONE [ MAP ] Pillbox Hill Medical Center map4all

    "He is free, and the map is bugged at the door and in two rooms."
  3. cfsc

    QBUS Kibra Houses V2

    You need to look this up on the internet / It's free.
  4. cfsc

    ESX Core evidence

    I haven't tried it, and I won't ask for credit for it.
  5. cfsc

    QBUS S4-cuff

    hese people put scripts that don't work for the links, and we still pay credits
  6. cfsc

    tuner shop? ez man...

    tuner shop? ez man https://drive.google.com/file/d/14daj2E1NTAupTV1FHQuf8FqPnsy_qWtp/view?usp=share_link
  7. cfsc

    QBUS Rooster

    https://github.com/MT-Scripts/mt-rooster Simple scripts for killing chickens, and it's a job
  8. cfsc


  9. cfsc

    QBUS mt-UwUCafe

    https://github.com/MT-Scripts/mt-UwUCafe map catcafe - https://mega.nz/file/up80DJJT#zJltu53XH3rl9nmMUQkJAHFILPO4YwXzmOFSqOjf1XA
  10. cfsc

    QBUS Mt-farm 2.0

  11. cfsc


    I love you bro! perfectly work
  12. cfsc

    QBUS 100+ House system [It works without any issues]

    Yes, that's normal. You can always try doing "f8 stop [resource name]" and then "ensure [resource name]," but what I want is for everyone to know everything I post, whether I've tested it or not, and if I say everything is okay with me in-game, I'm not lying! Hugs, my friend..:D
  13. cfsc

    QBUS 100+ House system [It works without any issues]

    https://streamable.com/79x45t https://streamable.com/72s4rp
  14. cfsc

    QBUS 100+ House system [It works without any issues]

    f by any chance you guys are using a pre-built base that wasn't made from scratch by you, there might be some conflicting scripts causing the issue. In my server, I built everything from scratch step by step, so I know everything that's inside it.
  15. cfsc

    QBUS 100+ House system [It works without any issues]

    What build do you guys use? I use it on my server, and I simply buy a house, place the garage, enter and exit the house, and I don't need to restart anything. The garage is independent, no third-party scripts are needed. Something seems wrong there with you guys. I'll make a video for you to see