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Recent content by CocaCola

  1. CocaCola

    QBUS [QBCore] T1ger Mechanicjob

    That's how it comes when you buy. Its broken af.
  2. CocaCola

    ESX [ESX] Core -> Dispatch

    Hey, whats the password? There were two unlocks but neither had the password. Thanks! :)
  3. CocaCola

    QBUS [ESX] QBus Inventory

    get 2 credits by either making 2 posts or making 1 thread. You'll need 3 credits to make the purchase though. and then press the unlock button
  4. CocaCola

    QBUS [ESX] QBus Inventory

    Doesn't look like it based on the picture. The durability has like little greenbars on bottom of items
  5. CocaCola

    ESX RIB ESX 12

    -=Stripped Content=-