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Recent content by dsxxty

  1. D

    QBUS Fivem launcher at your request for credits

    if I reply will I get credits?
  2. D

    How does credits works?

    So I'm new here, I think I have 2 credits alrd, I'm trying to unlock NVE for 2 credits, but it says I need 2 credits still...
  3. D

    [NVE] Natural Vision Evolved [2023] - FEBRUARY UPDATE [31/01/23 | 01/02/23]

    so can I get credit by replying?
  4. D

    STANDALONE I want to get a credits):

    Hey guys, so I'm new here and I want to download NVE 31st July update, but it cost 2 credits for Single Player package.. so how do I get credits? I read that posting something will get 1 credit am I right?