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Recent content by jimbo2890_01373

  1. jimbo2890_01373


    User was banned so the link is deleted as well
  2. jimbo2890_01373

    STANDALONE Mega Scripts Pack 110+ Scripts

    Wais-Compatibility is needed for the Hud 5 to work. Do you happen to have it?
  3. jimbo2890_01373

    QBUS QB-Inventory with nice style and other functions! - All Working

    Wow! Never seen this before. Look's nice! Thank you for the share!
  4. jimbo2890_01373

    QBUS FNX-IDCard [QB Core & ESX]

    It's for both Frameworks. Open the config and change the Framework to either QB or ESX :)
  5. jimbo2890_01373

    QBUS FNX-IDCard [QB Core & ESX]

    The following is directly from the developer's website. Dependency oxmysql (100% compatible with mysql-async) ox_lib Description We are happy to introduce our new document system, compatible with ESX and QBCORE Our system works through the metadata technology currently supported by these 5...
  6. jimbo2890_01373

    STANDALONE ak4y all scripts

    Thank you! Been looking for a few of these for a while now!
  7. jimbo2890_01373

    STANDALONE trygon Hud V2 by UZ

    Wow this actually looks really good! Thanks!
  8. jimbo2890_01373

    QBUS only safe nchub out there, taken months of hard work to do this SALE 999 credits

    From what I understand too he has been ripping a lot of people off. So, he releases V5 and it was a big hit from what I've seen. He then goes to release V6 and the application process was a nightmare and only a handful of people got the server files and then he stops distributing V6. Then weeks...