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Recent content by JustCallMeL

  1. JustCallMeL

    Hello! I say that you had the 2075 Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3x. Are you still willing to share that...

    Hello! I say that you had the 2075 Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3x. Are you still willing to share that file? We are opening a cyberpunk-based server and a rival competitor told our car dev he'd pay him twice the amount we paid him for custom CP cars.....and now we lost him, and he was making that bike...
  2. JustCallMeL

    STANDALONE 2075 Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X from Cyberpunk 2077 - GTA V

    Does anyone have this bike before we pay 350$ for someone to make it? ;_; ( Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X )