Recent content by priimecast382

  1. priimecast382

    QBCORE Karma-Clothing NP 4.0 (Fully Working) (Newest update with fix for custom peds!)

    Yes many people have you can even see the staff of highleaks have also been using this leak of Karma Clothing
  2. priimecast382

    QBCORE Karma-Clothing NP 4.0 (Fully Working) (Newest update with fix for custom peds!)

    it doesnt have any backdoors i use it every single day in my city and only bug is it doesnt detect new players and you got to log out and back in by all mind go buy any other leak of karma clothing and you'll find there are all full of bugs most even more than this leak here cause karma DONT...
  3. priimecast382

    QBCORE Karma-Clothing NP 4.0 (Fully Working) (Newest update with fix for custom peds!)

    im not sure what you are doing wrong to be honest here
  4. priimecast382

    QBCORE Karma-Clothing NP 4.0 (Fully Working) (Newest update with fix for custom peds!)

    you put it in as you would any sql not into player skins
  5. priimecast382

    QBCORE Karma-Clothing NP 4.0 (Fully Working) (Newest update with fix for custom peds!)

    yes it does and this version only supports qb-core
  6. priimecast382

    QBCORE Karma-Clothing NP 4.0 (Fully Working) (Newest update with fix for custom peds!)

    it does work you are clealy doing something wrong as you can even see here moderators even saying its working bro look through the comments here and read the inscrutions properly dont use the SQL in the karma clothing folder and use all the according files like QB-CORE // QB-CLOTHING AND QB- OR...
  7. priimecast382

    QBCORE Karma-Clothing NP 4.0 (Fully Working) (Newest update with fix for custom peds!)

    yeah man you got a discord i could add and i can keep you upto date there
  8. priimecast382

    QBCORE Karma-Clothing NP 4.0 (Fully Working) (Newest update with fix for custom peds!)

    yeah well its mainly cause pa-appartments and 0r appartment uses them as shells its underneath the map currently but im planning to try do a mapping for it at the appartments from nopixel maybe also adding windows to it but yeah tbh i dont even know how to do windows in blender lmao
  9. priimecast382

    QBCORE Karma-Clothing NP 4.0 (Fully Working) (Newest update with fix for custom peds!)

  10. priimecast382

    QBCORE Karma-Clothing NP 4.0 (Fully Working) (Newest update with fix for custom peds!)

    I have one just like nopixels just all the doors arent accessiable and instead each room is shells but its got the whole Stairs elevator and all the doors to go to the corridors on each floor just needs teleport funtions to the rooms ect but yeah its the map from PA // 0R Appartments
  11. priimecast382

    QBCORE Karma-Clothing NP 4.0 (Fully Working) (Newest update with fix for custom peds!)

    this is due to low end pcs it reverts back to micheal if the script cant load characters fast enogh for ease on your computer best best is to actaully try and find the code that excutes the Model Failed to Load, and then that would fix it or try reducing the amount of maps you have as it only...
  12. priimecast382

    QBCORE Karma-Clothing NP 4.0 (Fully Working) (Newest update with fix for custom peds!)

    did you get any errors at all or no? also what multicharacter
  13. priimecast382

    QBCORE Karma-Clothing NP 4.0 (Fully Working) (Newest update with fix for custom peds!)

    ahh i havent heard of this i personally dont have any appartments as im trying to either get PA-Apartments to work or 0r-Appartments, as i have the rare map and already have 0r lib even paid and the opensource version and from the seems of it PA scripts use the same code as 0r just minor changes...
  14. priimecast382

    QBCORE Karma-Clothing NP 4.0 (Fully Working) (Newest update with fix for custom peds!)

    too true thats why i included the Multicharacter and qb-core but people dont understand that