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Recent content by raven.pearce

  1. R


    I appreciate the share but this is found from the original author completely free :/
  2. R

    QBUS Nopixel style garage for QBus

    I believe this actually makes use of a few different assets used together. You would basically need a pre-configured area script, radial menu that has the functions added in, and a garage system that works with both the area and added to the radial. Also depends on the version of your...
  3. R


    Does this contain quantREAL?
  4. R

    NVE December Update! Happy New Year Btw.

    Can I actually recommend posting another link to google drive though? Much faster DL speeds.
  5. R

    NVE December Update! Happy New Year Btw.

    Very much appreciated Dolby! kept having to cancel and reactivate my subscription just to get the update before.
  6. R

    QBUS [BASE NOPIXEL 3.0] SummitRP

    I mean you're dumb ass is registered here too so what's your purpose before judging everyone else's? Ya 'clown'. Shit, I don't want to host a server. I just enjoy playing with various assets and most server releases include mlo's and assets without having to unlock them individually.
  7. R

    QBUS [BASE NOPIXEL 3.0] SummitRP

    Well, one reason would be for anyone wanting to make changes or utilize resources that are for qbcore without having to convert addons.
  8. R

    STANDALONE [SERVER] - NoPixel 3.0 Inspired

    This would be really cool, but even after importing the sql file there are still tons of bugs that prevent you from joining the server and shut it down.
  9. R

    STANDALONE [FREE] - [SERVER] - Fuck You canaryleaks FULLY WORKING NP BASE SERVER (RARE) not unity

    If you don't know how to do this, don't take this the wrong way but you shouldn't host a server. However, please do continue to educate yourself on server hosting.
  10. R

    STANDALONE Natural Vision Evolved October Update [FiveM Package]

    oi dickhead update your fucking link or delete the thread
  11. R

    QBUS [QBus] MF Territories

    any update on if this works?
  12. R

    STANDALONE Nopixel vegetation

    Any ETA on when we can receive an updated link?
  13. R

    STANDALONE CN/TS Inventory [ESX/QBUS] (NP Based)

    Would you mind messaging me? See if we can get this script to work? As of now it currently does not work on a base qbus install. Preview of error: https://prnt.sc/1xphy60 EDIT: And yes, I have ran the sql file provided.
  14. R

    STANDALONE CN/TS Inventory [ESX/QBUS] (NP Based)

    Is this the fixed version? I see a lot of people re-leaking the same leak but haven't fixed the source everyone is getting it from.
  15. R

    QBUS [QBCore] NP Inventory 3.0

    Can y'all tell me if this still works because I get a QBus = NILL error every time.