Recent content by ribeiro

  1. ribeiro

    post the 4.0 nopixel item icons. again bro.

    post the 4.0 nopixel item icons. again bro.
  2. ribeiro

    STANDALONE nopixel 4.0 2025 item icons

    Someone recently posted this here with more than 100 icons, but it was deleted because they didn't update the download link, so did anyone buy it?
  3. ribeiro

    hi, i saw your reply in the chat, could you donate some credits to me? i would be grateful

    hi, i saw your reply in the chat, could you donate some credits to me? i would be grateful
  4. ribeiro

    Hi, do you have more karma scripts?

    Hi, do you have more karma scripts?
  5. ribeiro

    QBCORE Nopixel 3.5 - QB Core Server -Ready To Use

    give my credits back! LINK IS DOWN -=Stripped Content=-
  6. ribeiro

    QBCORE [QB] NoPixel 4.0 Inspired Server - Meteo Server V1

    link not working. fix it
  7. ribeiro


    mmmm nice bro nice leak!
  8. ribeiro

    STANDALONE ac-pack

    uuuuh nice leak broo !
  9. ribeiro

    NP NoPixel 3.5 **June** Server Files

    I updated the price !
  10. ribeiro

    STANDALONE NoPixel 4.0 Inventory Icon

    as? for God's sake 🤯 bro, I need credits, in case anyone wants to donate them to me (you will get nothing but a thank you in return) -=Stripped Content=-
  11. ribeiro

    QBCORE VMS_CLothestore (preview uploaded)

    Incredible insider info, well done!
  12. ribeiro

    STANDALONE 20 CREDITS | [QB+ESX] SD-Bobcat (Samuel Developments)

    Outstanding leak, you nailed it!
  13. ribeiro

    FIVEM Los Santos Trucker Simulator / Trucker Logistics script (ETS, ATS)

    Great work on the leak, much appreciated!