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Recent content by rjn19487

  1. R

    QBUS PEPE Framework

    Wow, I paid for this so so so long ago lol.
  2. R

    QBUS [NoPixel] Clarity NL Framework

    Bummer, yhanks for the post, sadly imma have to pass as I've already paid for NLs :(
  3. R

    QBUS [NoPixel] Clarity NL Framework

    Nice, I've been more working on bugs. Maybe if you post it I'll grab it and put my fixes in it. :)
  4. R

    QBUS [NoPixel] Clarity NL Framework

    Any luck getting the casino? I've been making this fully English and fixing tons of things.
  5. R

    QBUS [NoPixel] Clarity NL Framework

    If the server origin is Dutch, how much of this is in English?
  6. R

    NP FIXDEV Server was edited

    What has been “edited" Saying was edited isn't helpful, did you change some text or something....
  7. R

    QBUS Qb-Core Rossifix Fiverr Server + SQL [one of newer builds, 100% working]

    Seems like tons of stuff is escrow lol.
  8. R

    QBUS NCHUB Special Editon 1.0

    I don't blame you, I'm still looking for the other backdoors, but most of them I've already cleaned and replaced.
  9. R

    QBUS NCHub V3.5

    Isn't this the one with tons of backdoors? lmao.
  10. R

    NP NoPixel 4.0 Full Dump | 17.01.24, all Stream files, 30gb

    This is a dump, you don't install anything..
  11. R

    STANDALONE wais-multichar// wais-spawns

    Shouldnt this be in https://highleaks.com/index.php?forums/scripts.11/ ?
  12. R

    STANDALONE QBCORE V9.1 Full Server 100% Working [Open source] [Decrypted]

    Yeah... I'm sure renaming something is called "modified" now. I bet this has the same backdoor also.
  13. R

    STANDALONE QBCORE V9.1 Full Server 100% Working [Open source] [Decrypted]

    Dude, it's already been posted. https://highleaks.com/index.php?threads/qbcore-9-1-9-0-server-leak-open-source-server-is-being-sold-for-1200.19081/
  14. R

    QBUS qb server 200$

    This is the same outdated server that's posted here, 10000000 times.
  15. R


    Are you sure this is the latest or is this the same one getting posted 1000 times that's still on 1.0.0