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Recent content by rockyland

  1. rockyland

    QBUS only safe nchub out there, taken months of hard work to do this SALE 999 credits

    Sent request for access. Thank you.
  2. rockyland

    QBUS BURGERS JOB | Custom Job for McDonalds MLO

    Code link does not work
  3. rockyland

    QBUS Diamond RP

    Thanks for this
  4. rockyland

    Maasland roleplay!

    Thanks for this!
  5. rockyland


    This is awesome!
  6. rockyland

    FIVEM Los Santos Trucker Simulator / Trucker Logistics script (ETS, ATS)

    I can't get the E to trigger. Was able to get the sql to create the tables. Made the changes explained earlier.
  7. rockyland

    QBUS Qb-core Dream-Tanker (Paid Trucker job)

    Looks great!
  8. rockyland

    QBUS Trucking logistics simulator

    This didn't work. The SQL file produces only errors and you end up with a blank table. Can I get credit back?
  9. rockyland

    QBUS [QBus] Trucking

    thanks for this
  10. rockyland

    QBUS Qb-core Dream-Tanker (Paid Trucker job)

    Thanks man!
  11. rockyland

    QBUS Diamond RP

    thanks man
  12. rockyland

    QBUS [Q-Core 5MServers] For Less Credits

  13. rockyland

    STANDALONE Casino Like NP 3.0

    This only gets you into the casino and nothing more. No gameplay