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Recent content by WickedJesters

  1. WickedJesters

    who have pcmr extreme graphics?

  2. WickedJesters

    ESX Forgiato Wheels

    credits are free to
  3. WickedJesters

    ESX myMapbuilder+NativeUI

    ok, question, does this save to one file or multiple files or is it sql based?
  4. WickedJesters


    65 5496+445645648748683541865
  5. WickedJesters

    STANDALONE [Donor-Cars] 50+ different dope cars.

    -=Stripped Content=- Preview 1 Preview 2
  6. WickedJesters

    STANDALONE Forgiato Wheels | Custom LSC

    -=Stripped Content=- These are Forgiato Wheels. They work great with custom shops like renzuzu customs. This is considered as a resource, their i 80+ wheel options. No preview but they do work.