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Recent content by xanki27

  1. xanki27

    QBUS S4-House V2 [Converted from ESX > QBus] 1.0.0

    Going to download it and play around
  2. xanki27

    STANDALONE Looking for MLO 24/7 Supermarkets!

    also looking for it, its leaked on nulledbb for 2 credits.. if someone could share i would be much appreciated!
  3. xanki27

    QBUS taken down pls delete

    hope its not that much of a pain to set up
  4. xanki27

    QBUS NP4.0 Radialmenu converted to QBCore

    damn looks very crisp! take my credits
  5. xanki27

    QBUS Core Inventory - Advanced Grid-based Inventory

    thanks for the diablo ptsd lol
  6. xanki27

    QBUS m-multicharacter uyuyorumstore QB/ESX

    also guessing it wont work for the exact same reaosn
  7. xanki27

    STANDALONE soDopeV3 Notification [RARE]

    looks really clean and never seen it, thanks brother!
  8. xanki27

    STANDALONE [ESX/QBCore] Simcard

    thank you, was looking for this
  9. xanki27

    NP NoPixel 3.5 Full

    damn was hyped for a second
  10. xanki27

    QBUS QbCore Meteo NP 4.0 Inspired Server that I paid $10 for, It's bug free and work!

    backdoors and then 50 credits goddamn
  11. xanki27


    Classic phone, old times indeed