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Recent content by Zipper40

  1. Zipper40

    ESX Muhittin Karaindiba - Advanced Clothing V2 ESX-QB

    The link doesn't work again.
  2. Zipper40

    QBUS Trucking Logistics QB-Core

    Yes there is.I made and modified it myself.Fully operational.I'll edit it and post it soon.
  3. Zipper40

    QBUS HOT ! AK4Y -PACK Credits 30 Discount for 1 hour

    Это всё есть уже в доступе.
  4. Zipper40

    QBUS FRKN - Sell Vehicles | Open Source | No Rate Limit

    To fix the error 1SCRIPT ERROR: @frkn-sellvehicles/client/client.lua........ 1. Delete or comment: --Citizen.Wait(1) --if NetworkIsPlayerActive(PlayerId()) then --RemoveVehicles() --Citizen.Wait(500) --LoadSellPlace() --SpawnVehicles() --break --end 2. And add...
  5. Zipper40


    Спасибо.Надеюсь смогу переделать в qbcore.
  6. Zipper40

    QBUS [QBCore] Ak4y Pause Menu OPEN SOURCE

    Thank you.A good script. Thank you.A good script.