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Search results

  1. A

    STANDALONE NoPixel 4.0 VehicleShop & Garages ESX & QB!!

    hey, im getting this issue where i cant start the resource because "i lack the required entitlement" which means it still is locked no? could anyone help?
  2. A


    could you maybe upload a new video since its down?
  3. A

    QBCORE [RARE] qb-banktruckrobbery [NoPixel 4.0 Inpired] [Open Source]

    Could we possibly get a video or something to help guide us?
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    QBCORE Pug Coke Job

    bro 60? are you out of your mind???
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    QBCORE gl-police | Advanced Police JOB QB

    escrowed and locked dont bother
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    QBCORE NoPixel 3.5 Inspired House Robbery [QBCore]

    Can anyone tell what the lockpick script i need to use is called???
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    QBCORE metro-trains

    Would be nice if you could post a preview...
  8. A

    QBCORE [Row House Robbery]

    I have ps-ui installed.. is the lockpicking working for you?
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    QBCORE [Row House Robbery]

    what lockpicking script am i supposed to be using? because when it gets to lockpicking the door it just stops working
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    QBCORE [Row House Robbery]

    did it work for you?
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    QBCORE Rahe Racing System Script

    well whats the point of posting if its escrowed?
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    QBCORE Ron Vehicle Shop (Tested + SQL)

    there is no sql. i bought it like this
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    QBCORE QBUS VAR Heist [Never Leaked Before] Cost 35 Euro for open source

    sooo 50 credits for a script that isnt even complete? got it...
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    STANDALONE Hamz all products ?Very rare

    could you somehow get your hands on Sonoran CAD and radio?
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    QBCORE Custom Framework v1.2

    this isnt qbcore though? its standalone
  16. A


    I'm sorry are you slow? Scamming isn't only about money... Can literally be everything. Credits, money, hell even roblox currency. A scam is a scam no matter what. Doesn't have to be real life currency. You're a scammer nothing to discuss about if it is factual.
  17. A


    dont pay its free he just took it from github... its a shitty script anyway so dont pay for it! but it is... you are charging people stuff for something that is completely free. The definition of a scam. I also love how you changed the price to make it look more realistic but still doesnt...
  18. A

    @sahil3x1 did you pay already?

    @sahil3x1 did you pay already?
  19. A

    QBCORE Ron Vehicle Shop (Tested + SQL)

    what? have you added the vehicles to your vehicles.lua?
  20. A


    1st of all your insane if you think anyones paying 20 credits for a extremely basic script... second of all this is completely free on github: https://github.com/Pintta/qb-gps No one fall for this scam!