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Search results

  1. C

    NP russian bear

    -=Stripped Content=- bear russian from no pixel
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    QBUS R-core Arcade RE-Skin and New GAMES

    a fanciful Script but mostly riffed on the aesthetic side and removed the retro machines and kept only the most useful ones that go through a link to an internet site if you will see in the CLIENT part that all the inherent part you have games connected to give you an idea you can play from...
  3. C

    I would have a request this script

    excuse me but 43 € are a bit many if they were 15 20 I also thought about it
  4. C

    STANDALONE Ghost-busters game [Luman Studios]

    Here is an idea for an excellent Event to do in your RP Server I tested it on a QBcore based server and it works perfectly 0 errors preview :
  5. C

    QBUS rtx dev Neon kit [modified activates with a neon item] tested and working

    the item is simple to create with I put the line -=Stripped Content=- preview