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Search results

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    NP NoPixel V3.5 Clone Server [Bought from Fiverr]

    Is this server worth it and is it updated? I see that the Streamed Assets are no longer available nor are they expected to return. Are they so necessary or better to look elsewhere? Thank you all.
  2. R

    NP NoPixel V3.5 Clone Server [Bought from Fiverr]

    i want to buy but streamed assets link is broken? Is this server no longer available?
  3. R

    QBCORE SJRP server full leaked.

  4. R

    QBCORE SJRP server full leaked.

    Yes, at least I don't see any errors in the console. The Item really exists, I can give it to me as Admin and I can pick it up from the Police armory. If I use something else, like eating, drinking, or healing myself, it does me good. But everything that is to wield a weapon, does not do it...
  5. R

    QBCORE SJRP server full leaked.

    Hello, I have a problem with this base. It won't let me wield any weapon. If he starts to eat if I have food, but he doesn't take the weapon even if he has weapons and even a weapons license. He doesn't do it with being a policeman, or with knives, or with a firearm like a pistol. He only makes...