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Search results

  1. X

    ESX Vms documents full open source working

    Refund please -=Stripped Content=-
  2. X

    ESX Es Extended 1.10.5 Double Job Optimized

    I use it and I confirm the double job works! Good day to you.
  3. X

    ESX r_megaphone

    Does the link work for you?
  4. X

    ESX r_megaphone

    I lose my credits , post is reported. Need #Admin
  5. X

    ESX wasabi police unlocked

    It is necessary to report the post, moderator/admin will take care of giving you back your credits.
  6. X

    ESX ox_inventory redesign

    Don't be sorry, I don't have it either, have a good day my friend
  7. X

    ESX ox_inventory redesign

    https://forum.cfx.re/t/rename-item-for-ox-inventory/5207941 if this can help you, I don't have the level in HTML unfortunately
  8. X

    ESX ox_inventory redesign

    French servers have the possibility of renaming items, that's why I saw it possible, afterward is it not possible to limit the maximum number of characters? I currently have an object myself that allows you to rename an item for ox inventory but not directly on the inventory
  9. X


    truly an incredible script, !!
  10. X

    STANDALONE Car Boosting & Leveling System ($30 Leak)

    Wow.. Take a code and change the name.. again if it's to leave it in your database but you don't share it without mentioning the first developer.. So thank you for sharing with the community and sorry for the mishaps!
  11. X

    ESX clip script

    Topic needs to be deleted, the creator of the post has been banned @moderator
  12. X

    ESX ox_inventory redesign

    A button to 'rename' would have been incredible, I'm impatiently waiting for this update but it's getting long LMAO
  13. X

    Find Malware/Viruses in your assets, or leaked assets

    thanx men! we need all this tips in fivem . ;)
  14. X

    Any F1 Fans here?

    Football , Nba for the show :P
  15. X

    Script to remove or reduce ai to reduce lag

    Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Citizen.Wait(0) SetVehicleDensityMultiplierThisFrame(0.5) SetPedDensityMultiplierThisFrame(1.0) SetRandomVehicleDensityMultiplierThisFrame(0.2) SetParkedVehicleDensityMultiplierThisFrame(0.2) --...
  16. X

    how to get credits faster?

    You just need to comment under posts OR always buy credits OR Daily Connexion ;D
  17. X

    ESX VMS-Documents

    This script is nice !