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Search results

  1. Elvenpath

    ESX JPRessources Poolcleaning

    Link to the preview : https://forum.cfx.re/t/paid-esx-qbcore-jpr-poolcleaning-job/4817714 Nothing's escrowed, you can modify it as you wish. It's a pretty bad ressource actually because everything is written in Portuguese (or Spanish idk) but you can give it a try, it's an original resource...
  2. Elvenpath

    STANDALONE Daddy Tobacco by FiveDevs

    Hello guys I'm looking for this : https://fiv3devs.tebex.io/package/4948465 I don't need the whole package, I only care about the tobacco plants prop, so if you have it, please share it :D
  3. Elvenpath

    STANDALONE Looking for tattoos pack

    Hi, I've seen some people are selling tattoos pack for Rcore_tattoos and I think charging people for more than 20$ is totally a scam actually. If you have some of their packs please, release it :D https://store.addon-tattoos.com/category/2184544