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Search results

  1. B

    QBUS An all new Banking UI for QBUS | VB-BANKING for QB (with a cleaner UI)

    Can you at least put Osmiums name on the post somewhere?
  2. B

    QBUS [QBus] BB-Garages Fixed

    What this guy said. There isn't a properly converted bb-garages that is publicly available. Don't download this.
  3. B

    QBUS [QBus] No cap on ammo (qb-weapons)

    Yes it is. People that post on these forums don't actually check anything.
  4. B

    QBUS QBus Car Menu

    >qbus carmenu It's standalone lol
  5. B

    QBUS NP Phone and other scripts

    mfw I do. :) I'll let you know how broken it is. Edit: Don't bother unless you know your way around LUA and QBCore.
  6. B

    QBUS [QBus] BB-Garages Fixed

    This is useless without the accompanying scripts
  7. B

    STANDALONE Multiple Jobs-core

    It's definitely ESX
  8. B

    QBUS sublime busjob

    Broken like 90% of the other releases
  9. B

    QBUS [QBus] MF_Vehicles

    This doesn't work, just like the rest. Trash leaks.
  10. B

    QBUS QBus Dumpster Search V2

    This has a time of .50ms. Don't bother unless you know how to optimize.
  11. B

    QBUS [QBus] No cap on ammo (qb-weapons)

    This isn't at all what is titled. Nice waste of credits. (y)
  12. B

    QBUS RLRP Vehicle Shop and synced it with qbus default sql ( bbvehicle --> Player_vehicle )Now you can use this rlrlp vehicle shop with qbus default sql a

    I'll test it and if I remember I'll report back. This has been claimed and has failed several times. Edit: It doesn't work. Still says you don't own the vehicle after purchasing it. Edit 2: It crashed my client. Don't use it. Lol
  13. B

    QBUS [QBus] BB-Garages Fixed

    Does this one have the SQL lines converted? Also someone mentioned it not saving damage?
  14. B

    QBUS QBus Dumpster Search V2

    Gonna test it out, thanks mate :)
  15. B

    QBUS [QBus] No cap on ammo (qb-weapons)

    Why is the download "qb-hunting" and the post title is "qb-weapons"?