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Search results

  1. B

    QBUS Core Evidence v2 - Latest QB

    Edit: Tested further found out bloodsplats were not fine if yours is working keep it other wise new link has been posted actually changed from old to new.
  2. B

    QBUS Core MDW - Latest QB

    You want more ? There ya go https://docs.c8re.store/ Bro honestly its cleaned up and organized and fully working on latest so unecessary comments.
  3. B

    QBUS Core MDW - Latest QB

    Summary Most advanced CAD/MDT/MDW system on FiveM You can check out the video Features Create incidents with charges to each criminal Issue warrants Add spectators, officers, evidence to the incident Create reports for wanted people or vehicles Reports can use broadcasting to get help from...
  4. B

    QBUS Core Dispatch - Latest QB

    Summary Dispatch system for 3 emergency jobs of your choosing! Its complete with unit map support and map call displays! You can check out the video Features Have 3 emergency jobs synced Unit arrival notice to the citizen Job dispach permissions Unit status Unit display on map with their...
  5. B

    QBUS Core Evidence v2 - Latest QB

    Summary Evidence system is perfect for cops and robbers situations! You can set a grade from which officers can inspect blood splat's, bullet shells, fingerprints found in the car. Adding police detectives an interactive way to analyze the scene and create a whole investigation based on the...
  6. B

    QBUS Core Vehicle - Latest QB

    Summary Create parts for vehicles that affect performance, handling, and estetics. Parts wear off and require service from mechanics. Allow players to upgrade parts to match their driving needs. You can check out the video Features Create every vehicle part and change handling Changeable...
  7. B

    STANDALONE Loaf Garage

    Loaf Garge
  8. B

    STANDALONE Loaf Pack

    Loaf Pack
  9. B

    STANDALONE codem_garage

  10. B

    ESX core_insurance [esx]

    Store: https://www.c8re.store/package/4548212 Preview https://streamable.com/k1av2e Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/u2jnrp
  11. B

    ESX core_crafting [esx]

    Store: https://www.c8re.store/package/4422629 Preview:https://streamable.com/jef2f8 Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/sx59sa
  12. B

    ESX core_credits [ esx ]

    QBCore coming soon
  13. B

    ESX core_carsharing [esx]

    QBCore coming soon
  14. B

    ESX core_carsharing [esx]

    Store: https://www.c8re.store/package/4265655 Preview: Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/yjp24t
  15. B

    ESX core_credits [ esx ]

    Store:https://www.c8re.store/package/4523886 Preview: https://streamable.com/fvuda4 Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/p61mqc
  16. B

    ESX core_hud [ esx ]

    Store: https://www.c8re.store/package/4345479 Preview: https://streamable.com/rynczr Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/5w3qg1