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  1. gabrieltr

    QBCORE BZ GPS Animated Great! GPS

    Bz GPS Animated Great GPS -=Stripped Content=-
  2. gabrieltr

    QBCORE ox inventory running on qbcore

    nothing this is working on qbcore freamwork man trgger vs..
  3. gabrieltr

    QBCORE Pause Menu

    -=Stripped Content=-
  4. gabrieltr

    QBCORE ox inventory running on qbcore

    ensure oxmysql ensure ox_lib ensure framework # (framework you use e.g. qb-core) ensure qb-target # (used target) ensure ox_inventory -=Stripped Content=-
  5. gabrieltr

    QBCORE Jakrino Server Pack ! 4.6 GB

    1-Fivem is available in Turkish forums 2 - I don't have a preview link, this package is not the current version, it is an older version. Topic edited as 3-10 Credits Leave it like this, I don't want too many credits 4-Remind me, of course, you can even delete the topic because I don't have time...
  6. gabrieltr

    QBCORE Jakrino Server Pack ! 4.6 GB

    What do you expect me to do? Do you expect me to directly link to another forum? I do not share any other forum links, I pay attention to the rules. I'm sorry
  7. gabrieltr

    QBCORE Jakrino Server Pack ! 4.6 GB

    Type it into Google and you can see previews. I cannot give the address of the link to another place. Don't be lazy. people pay real money to buy this product. You find the files here and you're still whining.
  8. gabrieltr

    QBCORE Jakrino Server Pack ! 4.6 GB

    Try to share some things, my friend ;) ;) . .
  9. gabrieltr

    QBCORE Jakrino Server Pack ! 4.6 GB

    Hello everyone, I am presenting you the package with qb core infrastructure made by the famous script producer jakrino, the infrastructure is qb core but I remember it uses ox inventory, you can still examine it. -=Stripped Content=-
  10. gabrieltr

    QBCORE Masturbation Script ! :😁

    Ben bunu githuba atayım o zaman atamayanın malını atarlar gülüm :D
  11. gabrieltr

    QBCORE Warzone Script

    Dude, what is your problem? This is not fake or anything, it is used on servers in Turkey. Stop writing fake instead of his position. Otherwise I'm reporting you
  12. gabrieltr

    QBCORE Masturbation Script ! :😁

    Why are you doing such a thing?
  13. gabrieltr

    QBCORE Wendigo Ui Kit

    I'm sorry, I sent it wrong, I corrected it.
  14. gabrieltr


    Vivum Billing is a billing resource that works with LB Phone 176 as an in-game app in the phone or if you don’t use LB Phone as standalone app in which the app displays in a framed NUI page (see screenshots below) Individual, or Societies. It has the functionality to send invoices to either...
  15. gabrieltr


    https://forum.cfx.re/t/codem-mtextui-standalone/5183448 Code is accessible Yes Subscription-based No Lines (approximately) 200-300 Requirements STANDALONE Support Yes -=Stripped Content=-
  16. gabrieltr

    QBCORE Wendigo Ui Kit

    Q7WHAXeqG40 Özellikler Hem QB hem de ESX'i destekler Kolay ve Ayrıntılı Yapılandırma Animasyonlu ve Duyarlı Tasarım Bildirim, İlerleme Çubuğu, Etkileşim, Metin Kullanıcı Arayüzü ve Bağlam Menüsü içerir. Tüm renkleri değiştirebilirsiniz. İçindekiler Bildirim: Kişinin ekranda alması gereken...
  17. gabrieltr

    QBCORE 3dme with new ui

    Link Dead ! ! ! ! !
  18. gabrieltr

    QBCORE Gfx daily gift

    -=Stripped Content=-
  19. gabrieltr

    ESX Moto skills esx

    -=Stripped Content=-