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Search results

  1. C

    QBUS NoPixel 3.5 Garages [QBCore] | V3.2 Update

    Scripts over a year old and not updated for the newest qbcore I wouldn't bother
  2. C

    QBUS QBCore Web Admin Panel

    There's no reason to buy this QBcore does this by default with TXadmin and the plugins lol
  3. C

    QBUS [QBCore] alpha-craftingV2 (Crafting Station)

  4. C


  5. C

    QBUS NP inspired banking

    Not really simple banking isn't setup for society even though it says it does. With this banking you control all your business, and assets money through the banking versus just boss menus, It allows you to control funds on multiples departments I'm more curious about the Maze Bank MLO in...
  6. C

    QBUS Doorlock List For Gabz Davis PD

    you don't need a list qbcore has a built in ui menu for doorlocks and in the files they provide all gabz door lock coords All you do if your an admin is type /new door to bring the add doorlocks menu up
  7. C

    STANDALONE (10 CREDITS!!) Does anyone have WHITE LED STREETLIGHTS 4.5 from Venkey's patreon

    March 2022 4.0 version https://www.nexusmods.com/gta5/mods/446
  8. C

    White LED Streetlights 4.0 With LDSRL Lighting Technology (Hotfix) for FiveM

  9. C

    QBUS [FREE] NCHUB V5.0 Updated Files QBCore

    there are different type of backdoors I think these files use webhooks, but you could open the whole folder up with visual studio's code and search through every script for any type of code that says "PerformHttpRequest" if its not a locked script.
  10. C

    QBUS QBCore Web Admin Panel

    they took the script to paid version good script I personally don't see the point of it when tx admin does the same thing
  11. C

    QBUS [FREE] NCHUB V5.0 Updated Files QBCore

    I fell ya my man they claim its rare when it's not lmao :ROFLMAO:. thank you for staying on top of things.
  12. C

    QBUS [40C] NCHUB V5.0 Updated Files QBCore

    Save 40credits for an old leak https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1H6I66LsMHWZ11WRTGHse0AgwF_-jvG86&export=download
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    (n) :ROFLMAO:
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    Mercy never provided sql with their stolen work, if you use to purchase shit from them they make you get into their discord for the sqls and then give you some random old sql thats a year out of date.
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    Mercy scripts codes are one of the worst cluster fcks I've ever seen and they don't provide everything with their scripts, they got caught stealing work and their tebex store was taken down and they cry people was selling their work lol
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    QBUS Carry people

    free on github, (n)
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    QBUS crafting system for qbcore

    ok lol no previews (n) :ROFLMAO:
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    QBUS Redline Roleplay

    this is a very old copy of redline not paying credits for it when its free everywhere else.
  19. C

    QBUS Qbcore logo hud money , id players online etc

    FREE https://forum.cfx.re/t/core-logo-hud-simple-information-hud-with-server-logo-display/2426922
  20. C

    QBUS Qbcore OKOKCrafting

    If you mean "unobscured" that doesn't matter whether it's encrypted or not lol I have came across the script call back on many okok leaks, And I rely on my education and skillset as a coder I'm not taking anyone's word for it cause they say its safe lol