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Search results

  1. lewwis_


    retun my credits link dead... thanks! -=Stripped Content=-
  2. lewwis_

    ESX [Smartphone] Quasar Last Version 2.8.0 [ENCRYPTED] [ESX+QB]

    real bro... es una locura, van de sobrados como si fueran jeques árabes diciéndote así tan libremente que no van a devolverte el dinero si ni el producto tienes funcional.
  3. lewwis_

    ESX [Smartphone] Quasar Last Version 2.8.0 [ENCRYPTED] [ESX+QB]

    como comente esta encriptado bro, si tu sabes como desencriptar pues podras usarlo xd lo que paso es que un amigo lo compro y le quitaron el acceso y no le an querido devolver el dinero pero es la ultima version del movil
  4. lewwis_

    ESX [Smartphone] Quasar Last Version 2.8.0 [ENCRYPTED] [ESX+QB]

    I bring you this phone because some friends bought it and because it didn't work, they didn't know why the incredible people at Quasar had revoked their access... so here I bring you the latest version of their phone, it is encrypted but it will surely be useful to someone to be able to decipher...
  5. lewwis_

    ESX Notz Prop Dog Set

    Dead link ... repair it thanks
  6. lewwis_

    ESX [OPENSOURCE] 0R-RACING Racing Script [ESX]

    PREVIEW MEGA: -=Stripped Content=-
  7. lewwis_

    ESX Fivem Busker System - stg_busker

    this work? any test? thanks
  8. lewwis_

    ESX [Source Code] EyeStore - Argus HUD [QBCore or ESX]

    for both bro in config u have this chager to qb
  9. lewwis_

    ESX [Source Code] EyeStore - Argus HUD [QBCore or ESX]

    You wellcome bro! <3 <3 <3
  10. lewwis_


    This dont cost 20 credits
  11. lewwis_

    STANDALONE Brutal Notify [OPENSOURCE] 5Credits

    -=Stripped Content=- [BQ] CONFIG: 1. Go to qb-core/client/functions/lua 2. Find: QBCore.Functions.Notify(text, texttype, length) 3. Replace it with this:
  12. lewwis_

    QBUS [QB] Boii 8 Scripts [2023]

    you wellcome bro!! <3 <3 <3
  13. lewwis_

    QBUS [QB] Boii 8 Scripts [2023]

    I already have everything in a single folder that I will update if you continue to support it for nothing and less than 5 coins, saving you the hassle of subscribing and downloading one by one
  14. lewwis_

    Pasame discord y hablamos a ver cual es el fallo del script de farming

    Pasame discord y hablamos a ver cual es el fallo del script de farming
  15. lewwis_

    QBUS [QB] Boii 8 Scripts [2023]

    1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- Farming Note: REQUIREMENTS - boii-consumables Hunting Note: REQUIREMENTS QB-CORE -- https://github.com/qbcore-framework/qb-core QB-TARGET -- https://github.com/BerkieBb/qb-target PROGRESSBAR -- https://github.com/qbcore-framework/progressbar QB-CITYHALL --...
  16. lewwis_

    ESX [Source Code] EyeStore - Argus HUD [QBCore or ESX]

    I dont tested in QB only ESX and work, but this is more prepared for QB
  17. lewwis_

    ESX [Source Code] EyeStore - Argus HUD [QBCore or ESX]

    [Preview] -=Stripped Content=-
  18. lewwis_

    ESX [ESX+QB]VMS HUD | Highly Customizable Hud v1.0.4

    This is a version 1.0.4
  19. lewwis_

    ESX [ESX+QB]VMS HUD | Highly Customizable Hud v1.0.4

    [VIDEO] -=Stripped Content=-
  20. lewwis_


    [VIDEO] -=Stripped Content=-