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Search results

  1. coolcsgo

    NP cool-mdw Nopixel Real Code src react

    :eek::eek::eek::eek:w o w z e r s
  2. coolcsgo

    NP Nopixel 3.0 Config

    pretty sure this is my old one lmfao, albeit most likely de-obfuscated cl/sv side from astral files
  3. coolcsgo

    NP NP 4.0 Dump

    It's useless, all their assets are encrypted
  4. coolcsgo

    NP np-config with source file ( typescript )

    Lol, this is just my config from Newcastle leak
  5. coolcsgo

    Write to me on discord for vehicles, cool.dev

    Write to me on discord for vehicles, cool.dev
  6. coolcsgo

    NP Cool Heist (PFOP Dev) full typescript NP 3.5

    I AM SHIVERING IN MY BOOTS RN:eek::eek::eek::eek:
  7. coolcsgo

    NP Astral rp dump

    Bro astral is dead and buried why are you posting a dump? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: