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Search results

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    QBUS [QBCore] Amir_Expert Shooting Range (nopixel 3.5 ish inspired)

    i have tested and it worked for me [Preview] -=Stripped Content=-
  2. S

    QBUS [QBCore] row-Polaroid

    Tested and is Working with no obfuscation. DONT CHANGE [Preview] -=Stripped Content=-
  3. S


    Delete the .fxap file and it should work. All files are open source. IF YOU ARE CRASHING, REPLICATE THE SCRIPT IN A NEW FILE AND TRY. ex. (copy and paste client.lua contents into a new client.lua file) -=Stripped Content=-
  4. S

    STANDALONE okokLoadingScreen

    [Features] [Preview] Detailed patch notes/updates list; Staff members list (a different image for each member can be used); Music player; Background video/background image slider; Socials; Translations. [Config File]
  5. S

    STANDALONE i need latest nopixel dump

    hello does anyone have it?