New member
u have the database scripts or base?
Not sooo bad, ill be buying this !!!Presenting another rare and groundbreaking leak that I have produced myself, a full leak of Prodigy RP that has never been done before, all of their stream and client files. This is not a SOURCE CODE leak, it is their server leaked. If they have escrowed assets on their server, they too will be escrowed here. I know of 2 people who can unlock escrowed assets, maybe they come across this and unlock it for us all to share.
This has never been leaked before on any website, on any forum, or in any back channel. It is a fresh stream dump that was conducted 10 days ago from this date, so relatively fresh.
I have summarised the scripts and assets below and whether they are locked or not from the order that they appear from when you download this 13GB dump.
So much stuff, and that is why the price is so high!
_ipj_EMMELLO - Ice Planet Jewellery - UNLOCKED
_krs_EMMELLO - Recording Studio - UNLOCKED
_southsiderecords_EMMELLO - South Side Records - UNLOCKED
A_GOV_0 - Prodigy's Custom Clothing Pack for Gov employees // Police // Ambo - UNLOCKED (2164 files)
bamboozled - Includes the following maps: JDM Mech Garage, Motel // Spawn IPL room, Strokemaster Vespucci Mech Shop MLO, Sunrise autos car dealership + Mech, Hidden casino room, Mirror park changes (fences, cars, etc), trees around the map and more! - UNLOCKED
baseevents - Standard resource vehicle events mostly - UNLOCKED
cfx_gn_amublance_garage - GABZ MAP - LOCKED
cfx_gn_bs_food_props - GABZ MAP - LOCKED
cfx_gn_burgershot - GABZ MAP - LOCKED
cfx_gn_burgershot_int - GABZ MAP - LOCKED
cfx_gn_burgershot_sandy - GABZ MAP - LOCKED
cfx_gn_clinic_paleto - GABZ MAP - LOCKED
cfx_gn_cluckin_rockford - GABZ MAP - LOCKED
cfx_gn_clinic_sandy - GABZ MAP - LOCKED
cfx_gn_collection - GABZ MAP - LOCKED
cfx-nteam-river - idk who made this some map - LOCKED
ch_lightshow_assets - CharlesHacks Lightshow Asset Pack - LOCKED
ch_lightshow_vb - CharlesHacks LightShow Stage Lighting Vinewood Bowl - LOCKED
CIV 1 - Male and Female Custom Clothing - UNLOCKED (5645 files)
CIV 2 - Male and Female Custom Clothing Accessories - UNLOCKED (5526 files)
destiny_housing - Over 100 house placements around the city including mirror park and southside (empty shells so you can add a housing script so players can build their own houses, replica to what nopixel 4.0 has done) - UNLOCKED (304) -- THIS ONE IS REALLY REALLY RARE LADS, MADE BY PRODIGY AND FULLY UNLOCKED
draw_bridge - Custom made draw bridges around the map that can be turned on and off, no script included, but really simple to make. Bridges rise and fall for boat crossings over rivers around the entire city. - UNLOCKED
exteriorpack - Range of map changes, including containers, plants around the city, road changes, signs, Q.O.L map changes in general, custom made for Prodigy RP - UNLOCKED
fiv3devs_pacificbluffs - FiveDevs Map - LOCKED
fivem_map_hipster - General CFX Resource - UNLOCKED
fleeca - 7 fleeca map locations around city custom made for PRP bank MLOS - UNLOCKED
gabz_standalone - more gabz stuff custom made for his maps - UNLOCKED
gn_queensbox - boxing club MLO in the southside - UNLOCKED
gn_saloon - Saloon / tavern in Paleto Bay - UNLOCKED
guns - includes beanbag, fnx45, glock19x2, hk416, huntingrifle, simon, taser and uzi custom weapons with stream files + metas - UNLOCKED
hane_gpub - Pub MLO in mirror park - LOCKED
hane_pondcafe - Another hane map - LOCKED
hane_treybakery - Another hane map - LOCKED
hn_cigar_shelby (PREFIX) - All hane maps, all locked - LOCKED
hn_shelby_office_mrpark - Hane map - LOCKED
holdem_props - locked props for texas holdem casino game - LOCKED
hornbills_prentis - gentlemans club - LOCKED
id1_h_hospital - San Fiacre hospital - LOCKED
int_paleto_goPost - Paleto GoPostal MLO custom - LOCKED
interior_props - 4 random props - UNLOCKED
jl-laptop - laptop script with boosting, bennys, darkweb, etc - UNLOCKED (UI Built, requires decryption)
johnlewis - small map changes again centralised around the corner of sinner street and clothing store, lights, emissives, props - UNLOCKED
kiiya_eliteautos - locked elite autos MLO - LOCKED
lbc_247_remaster - custom made 24/7 gas station MLOS, really really really sick - UNLOCKED
lbc_housing_furniture - custom made props for housing, weed stuff - UNLOCKED
lbc_ltd_remaster - all LTD gas stations remaster, custom made for PRP, another sick MLO - UNLOCKED
lbc_mirrorpark_housing - made every single house in mirror park enterable, suuuuper rare - UNLOCKED
lbc_pawnshop - custom made pawnshop MLO in front of vanilla unicorn - UNLOCKED
lbc_southside_housing - made every single house in the south side enterable, another super rare release like nopixel 4.0 - UNLOCKED
lbc_truckerfix - trucker warehouse at the port - UNLOCKED
lbc_vagos_projects - made every single vagos house, the entire block enterable like nopixel 4.0 - UNLOCKED
mapmanager - cfx resource - UNLOCKED
melee-weapons - collection of melee weapons including crutch, drbat, lucille, pony, shovel, sledge - UNLOCKED with metas
misc_interiors - collection of custom interiors for PRP including church, election warehouse, dynasty8 office, hunting shop, atomic burger, digiden city, 2 fight clubs, humane labs, train shop, narco warehouse, gym and more - UNLOCKED
monitor - cfx resource - UNLOCKED
new_califa_roads - DNX califa roads, available gta 5 mods - UNLOCKED
new_senora_roads - DNX senora roads, available gta 5 mods - UNLOCKED
ox_lib - ox resource - UNLOCKED
ox_target - ox resource including custom prp targeting and more in compat - UNLOCKED
oxmysql - ox resource SQL handler - UNLOCKED
pma-voice - voice resource - UNLOCKED
prodigy_tatoos - custom tatoos resource with custom overlays and metas- UNLOCKED
prp_adminmenu - adminmenu client script - UNLOCKED
prp-animations - animations handler client script - UNLOCKED
prp-apartments - custom apartments resource client - UNLOCKED
prp-arena - arena script similar to one already out there - UNLOCKED
prp-atms - By DaMightyLamb atm robbery - UNLOCKED
prp-audio-occlusion - collation of audio occlusion for MLOs - UNLOCKED
prp-base - dependency like ox_lib for their custom prp scripts - UNLOCKED
prp-basics-replace - replace for gta v base vehicles around city - LOCKED
prp-bennys-new - bennys / mechanic shop and job script - UNLOCKED
prp-blips - blips logic - UNLOCKED
prp-bridges - bridges logic for those drawbridges stream earlier - UNLOCKED
prp-businesses - all of the businesses around the city and their script logic - UNLOCKED
prp-cgpeds - all of the chang gang peds, I have turned this into a separate resource, check my posts for more - UNLOCKED
prp-characters - multicharacter resource - UNLOCKED
prp-chat - chat resource - UNLOCKED
prp-cocaine - cocaine manufacturing and producing resource according to their skills and perks system - UNLOCKED client
prp-commands - just a base commands resource - UNLOCKED
prp-crafting - custom crafting system - UNLOCKED
prp-customanims - custom animations made by prodigy - UNLOCKED
prp-customrpops - list of custom props made custom by prodigy RP and fully unlocked - UNLOCKED
prp-damage - all the player damage handling and hospital shit here - UNLOCKED
prp-deliveryjob - in the name - UNLOCKED
prp-dialog - dialog system to talk to NPCs - UNLOCKED
prp-dlc-cars - all of the latest DLC cars from GTA 5 Online updates go here - UNLOCKED (these files can legit be extracted from openIV or codewalker very easily with the DLC updates, not too special)
prp-doors - door handling like locks and stuff, as well as lockpicking relevant doors with items, custom logic - UNLOCKED
prp-ems - custom made EMS vehicles - UNLOCKED
prp-ems-lore - locked custom lore vehicles for EMS - LOCKED (note that the audio configs, like custom vehicle audio is UNLOCKED)
prp-escort - custom made escort system and put in trunk as well - UNLOCKED
prp-evidence - evidence system custom made - UNLOCKED
prp-extrapeds - extra peds including a_m_o_eugene, botyme, bugzie, deanquincy, delvis, ELI_COP< ig_tinkerman, jamesrandal, jutzy, kgu, king, mrcrypp, prestige, ricky, scuba, wander, warmonkey - UNLOCKED SUPER RARE SHIT! THE JAMES RANDAL PED IS BASICALLY UNOBTAINABLE TBH
prp-finance - finance and loans script - UNLOCKED
prp-fitment - some wheel shit - UNLOCKED
prp-fuel - fuel script - UNLOCKED
prp-heists - all of the prodigy custom made heists - UNLOCKED
prp-helicam - custom helicam - UNLOCKED
prp-hitman - custom hitman job script - UNLOCKED
prp-housing-v2 - custom made furniture script full client - UNLOCKED
prp-hud - hud script - UNLOCKED
prp-injuries - range of injuries for medics n stuff - UNLOCKED
prp-inventory - shops and player inventory logic - UNLOCKED
prp-ipl - loader for gta base IPLS and other custom IPLs made by Bob_74 - UNLOCKED
prp-jail - jail script - UNLOCKED
prp-jobs - huge list of jobs, check video - UNLOCKED
prp-kct - idk wtf this is - UNLOCKED
prp-keybinds - keybinding resource - UNLOCKED
prp-labour - labour resource and phone app with jobs - UNLOCKED
prp-loadscreen - loadingscreen - UNLOCKED
prp-locations - locations resource - UNLOCKED
(getting tired so from here on out if the script is explanatory in the name and is listed here, assume it is unlocked)
prp-lorecars - metas for all of the prp-lfcars - UNLOCKED
prp-map-occlusion - UNLOCKED (required dependency for the maps before)
prp-mdt by Dr Nick written for Authentic RP actually, PRP are losers
prp-pd - includes all unlocked PD cars made for prodigy RP as well as audio sounds and custom engines - UNLOCKED
prp-pd-lore - includes lore friendly PD cars and is unfortunately locked - LOCKED
prp-pwnzor - a dependency resource with a lot of dangerous stuff hackers and modders can execute - UNLOCKED
prp-spawnmap - spawnmap base for fivem as well - UNLOCKED
prp-tunervehiclefix - meta files in here as fixes, carcols and carvariations - UNLOCKED
prp-vacation - i want a vacation after writing all this
prp-veh - vehicle logic - UNLOCKED
prp-vehicleaudio - 47 custom engine audios - UNLOCKED
rahe-audio - rahe script - LOCKED
rahe-boosting - rahe script - LOCKED
rage-hackingdevice - rahe script - LOCKED
rahe-racing - rahe script - LOCKED
rcore_arm_wrestling - rcore script - UNLOCKED
rcore_lunapark - rcore - LOCKED
rcore_lunapark_assets - LOCKED
rcore_pool - LOCKED
rcore_tennis - LOCKED
rdzk_c_square - Rudzik legion square - LOCKED
rfc_joshua_road - Vipers MC clubhouse - UNLOCKED
rfc_rocksinsocks - Jewelry store - LOCKED
rfc_route68_garage - Garage on Route 68 - UNLOCKED
screenshot-basic - dependency
sf-attachobject - UNLOCKED
sf-blackjack - LOCKED
sf- (PREFIX) all locked
spawnmanager - cfx resource
state-debugger - UNLOCKED
troll-int_tower_24_7 - 24/7 shop in the tower replacing the construction site - UNLOCKED
troll_int_black_market - black market - UNLOCKED
troll_int_church - Church - UNLOCKED
troll_int_cityhall - City hall MLO - UNLOCKED
troll_int_japanese_mafia - Japanese mafia - UNLOCKED
troll_int_working_mine - Mine - UNLOCKED
troll_map_bridge - Bridge - UNLOCKED
troll_map_central_tower - Tower replacing construction site by legion square - UNLOCKED
troll_map_favelas - Favelas homes by mirror park and dam - UNLOCKED
^ Refer to youtube video for previews of all of these as i go through them to prove they are unlocked and working
For all those that are skeptical about this AMAZING leak, I have made a youtube video of me making this very message, and previewing every script to check if it is locked, unlocked, and checking out all the sick maps.
Check it out here:
Thanks to all those that do go ahead and purchase this package, I highly appreciate it, and thankyou for the immense support. Download link is google drive, and is around 12.9 GB. Check below. The link should never expire.
-=Stripped Content=-
I will be taking a short break for a while, but will get back soon to leaking the top servers on FiveM for you all to share and enjoy. For scamming and paying money for things that we enjoy and play games with in my opinion should always be free, money shouldn't taint our enjoyment. Have fun guys!
Presenting another rare and groundbreaking leak that I have produced myself, a full leak of Prodigy RP that has never been done before, all of their stream and client files. This is not a SOURCE CODE leak, it is their server leaked. If they have escrowed assets on their server, they too will be escrowed here. I know of 2 people who can unlock escrowed assets, maybe they come across this and unlock it for us all to share.
This has never been leaked before on any website, on any forum, or in any back channel. It is a fresh stream dump that was conducted 10 days ago from this date, so relatively fresh.
I have summarised the scripts and assets below and whether they are locked or not from the order that they appear from when you download this 13GB dump.
So much stuff, and that is why the price is so high!
_ipj_EMMELLO - Ice Planet Jewellery - UNLOCKED
_krs_EMMELLO - Recording Studio - UNLOCKED
_southsiderecords_EMMELLO - South Side Records - UNLOCKED
A_GOV_0 - Prodigy's Custom Clothing Pack for Gov employees // Police // Ambo - UNLOCKED (2164 files)
bamboozled - Includes the following maps: JDM Mech Garage, Motel // Spawn IPL room, Strokemaster Vespucci Mech Shop MLO, Sunrise autos car dealership + Mech, Hidden casino room, Mirror park changes (fences, cars, etc), trees around the map and more! - UNLOCKED
baseevents - Standard resource vehicle events mostly - UNLOCKED
cfx_gn_amublance_garage - GABZ MAP - LOCKED
cfx_gn_bs_food_props - GABZ MAP - LOCKED
cfx_gn_burgershot - GABZ MAP - LOCKED
cfx_gn_burgershot_int - GABZ MAP - LOCKED
cfx_gn_burgershot_sandy - GABZ MAP - LOCKED
cfx_gn_clinic_paleto - GABZ MAP - LOCKED
cfx_gn_cluckin_rockford - GABZ MAP - LOCKED
cfx_gn_clinic_sandy - GABZ MAP - LOCKED
cfx_gn_collection - GABZ MAP - LOCKED
cfx-nteam-river - idk who made this some map - LOCKED
ch_lightshow_assets - CharlesHacks Lightshow Asset Pack - LOCKED
ch_lightshow_vb - CharlesHacks LightShow Stage Lighting Vinewood Bowl - LOCKED
CIV 1 - Male and Female Custom Clothing - UNLOCKED (5645 files)
CIV 2 - Male and Female Custom Clothing Accessories - UNLOCKED (5526 files)
destiny_housing - Over 100 house placements around the city including mirror park and southside (empty shells so you can add a housing script so players can build their own houses, replica to what nopixel 4.0 has done) - UNLOCKED (304) -- THIS ONE IS REALLY REALLY RARE LADS, MADE BY PRODIGY AND FULLY UNLOCKED
draw_bridge - Custom made draw bridges around the map that can be turned on and off, no script included, but really simple to make. Bridges rise and fall for boat crossings over rivers around the entire city. - UNLOCKED
exteriorpack - Range of map changes, including containers, plants around the city, road changes, signs, Q.O.L map changes in general, custom made for Prodigy RP - UNLOCKED
fiv3devs_pacificbluffs - FiveDevs Map - LOCKED
fivem_map_hipster - General CFX Resource - UNLOCKED
fleeca - 7 fleeca map locations around city custom made for PRP bank MLOS - UNLOCKED
gabz_standalone - more gabz stuff custom made for his maps - UNLOCKED
gn_queensbox - boxing club MLO in the southside - UNLOCKED
gn_saloon - Saloon / tavern in Paleto Bay - UNLOCKED
guns - includes beanbag, fnx45, glock19x2, hk416, huntingrifle, simon, taser and uzi custom weapons with stream files + metas - UNLOCKED
hane_gpub - Pub MLO in mirror park - LOCKED
hane_pondcafe - Another hane map - LOCKED
hane_treybakery - Another hane map - LOCKED
hn_cigar_shelby (PREFIX) - All hane maps, all locked - LOCKED
hn_shelby_office_mrpark - Hane map - LOCKED
holdem_props - locked props for texas holdem casino game - LOCKED
hornbills_prentis - gentlemans club - LOCKED
id1_h_hospital - San Fiacre hospital - LOCKED
int_paleto_goPost - Paleto GoPostal MLO custom - LOCKED
interior_props - 4 random props - UNLOCKED
jl-laptop - laptop script with boosting, bennys, darkweb, etc - UNLOCKED (UI Built, requires decryption)
johnlewis - small map changes again centralised around the corner of sinner street and clothing store, lights, emissives, props - UNLOCKED
kiiya_eliteautos - locked elite autos MLO - LOCKED
lbc_247_remaster - custom made 24/7 gas station MLOS, really really really sick - UNLOCKED
lbc_housing_furniture - custom made props for housing, weed stuff - UNLOCKED
lbc_ltd_remaster - all LTD gas stations remaster, custom made for PRP, another sick MLO - UNLOCKED
lbc_mirrorpark_housing - made every single house in mirror park enterable, suuuuper rare - UNLOCKED
lbc_pawnshop - custom made pawnshop MLO in front of vanilla unicorn - UNLOCKED
lbc_southside_housing - made every single house in the south side enterable, another super rare release like nopixel 4.0 - UNLOCKED
lbc_truckerfix - trucker warehouse at the port - UNLOCKED
lbc_vagos_projects - made every single vagos house, the entire block enterable like nopixel 4.0 - UNLOCKED
mapmanager - cfx resource - UNLOCKED
melee-weapons - collection of melee weapons including crutch, drbat, lucille, pony, shovel, sledge - UNLOCKED with metas
misc_interiors - collection of custom interiors for PRP including church, election warehouse, dynasty8 office, hunting shop, atomic burger, digiden city, 2 fight clubs, humane labs, train shop, narco warehouse, gym and more - UNLOCKED
monitor - cfx resource - UNLOCKED
new_califa_roads - DNX califa roads, available gta 5 mods - UNLOCKED
new_senora_roads - DNX senora roads, available gta 5 mods - UNLOCKED
ox_lib - ox resource - UNLOCKED
ox_target - ox resource including custom prp targeting and more in compat - UNLOCKED
oxmysql - ox resource SQL handler - UNLOCKED
pma-voice - voice resource - UNLOCKED
prodigy_tatoos - custom tatoos resource with custom overlays and metas- UNLOCKED
prp_adminmenu - adminmenu client script - UNLOCKED
prp-animations - animations handler client script - UNLOCKED
prp-apartments - custom apartments resource client - UNLOCKED
prp-arena - arena script similar to one already out there - UNLOCKED
prp-atms - By DaMightyLamb atm robbery - UNLOCKED
prp-audio-occlusion - collation of audio occlusion for MLOs - UNLOCKED
prp-base - dependency like ox_lib for their custom prp scripts - UNLOCKED
prp-basics-replace - replace for gta v base vehicles around city - LOCKED
prp-bennys-new - bennys / mechanic shop and job script - UNLOCKED
prp-blips - blips logic - UNLOCKED
prp-bridges - bridges logic for those drawbridges stream earlier - UNLOCKED
prp-businesses - all of the businesses around the city and their script logic - UNLOCKED
prp-cgpeds - all of the chang gang peds, I have turned this into a separate resource, check my posts for more - UNLOCKED
prp-characters - multicharacter resource - UNLOCKED
prp-chat - chat resource - UNLOCKED
prp-cocaine - cocaine manufacturing and producing resource according to their skills and perks system - UNLOCKED client
prp-commands - just a base commands resource - UNLOCKED
prp-crafting - custom crafting system - UNLOCKED
prp-customanims - custom animations made by prodigy - UNLOCKED
prp-customrpops - list of custom props made custom by prodigy RP and fully unlocked - UNLOCKED
prp-damage - all the player damage handling and hospital shit here - UNLOCKED
prp-deliveryjob - in the name - UNLOCKED
prp-dialog - dialog system to talk to NPCs - UNLOCKED
prp-dlc-cars - all of the latest DLC cars from GTA 5 Online updates go here - UNLOCKED (these files can legit be extracted from openIV or codewalker very easily with the DLC updates, not too special)
prp-doors - door handling like locks and stuff, as well as lockpicking relevant doors with items, custom logic - UNLOCKED
prp-ems - custom made EMS vehicles - UNLOCKED
prp-ems-lore - locked custom lore vehicles for EMS - LOCKED (note that the audio configs, like custom vehicle audio is UNLOCKED)
prp-escort - custom made escort system and put in trunk as well - UNLOCKED
prp-evidence - evidence system custom made - UNLOCKED
prp-extrapeds - extra peds including a_m_o_eugene, botyme, bugzie, deanquincy, delvis, ELI_COP< ig_tinkerman, jamesrandal, jutzy, kgu, king, mrcrypp, prestige, ricky, scuba, wander, warmonkey - UNLOCKED SUPER RARE SHIT! THE JAMES RANDAL PED IS BASICALLY UNOBTAINABLE TBH
prp-finance - finance and loans script - UNLOCKED
prp-fitment - some wheel shit - UNLOCKED
prp-fuel - fuel script - UNLOCKED
prp-heists - all of the prodigy custom made heists - UNLOCKED
prp-helicam - custom helicam - UNLOCKED
prp-hitman - custom hitman job script - UNLOCKED
prp-housing-v2 - custom made furniture script full client - UNLOCKED
prp-hud - hud script - UNLOCKED
prp-injuries - range of injuries for medics n stuff - UNLOCKED
prp-inventory - shops and player inventory logic - UNLOCKED
prp-ipl - loader for gta base IPLS and other custom IPLs made by Bob_74 - UNLOCKED
prp-jail - jail script - UNLOCKED
prp-jobs - huge list of jobs, check video - UNLOCKED
prp-kct - idk wtf this is - UNLOCKED
prp-keybinds - keybinding resource - UNLOCKED
prp-labour - labour resource and phone app with jobs - UNLOCKED
prp-loadscreen - schermata di caricamento - SBLOCCATO
prp-locations - risorsa posizioni - SBLOCCATO
(mi sto stancando, quindi da qui in poi se il nome dello script è esplicativo e viene elencato qui, presumo che sia sbloccato)
prp-lorecars - meta per tutti i prp-lfcars - SBLOCCATI
prp-map-occlusion - SBLOCCATO (dipendenza richiesta per le mappe precedenti)
prp-mdt di Dr Nick scritto per Authentic RP in realtà, i PRP sono dei perdenti
menu prp
prp-foto segnaletica
prp-pd - include tutte le auto PD sbloccate realizzate per prodigy RP, nonché suoni audio e motori personalizzati - SBLOCCATO
prp-pd-lore - include le auto PD amichevoli con la tradizione ed è sfortunatamente bloccato - BLOCCATO
vantaggi prp
prp-pwnzor - una risorsa di dipendenza con un sacco di roba pericolosa che hacker e modder possono eseguire - SBLOCCATO
coda prp
radar prp
ristorante prp
prp-casa sicura
scene prp
screenshot prp
sensore prp
prp-rapina in negozio
prp-spawnmap - base spawnmap anche per fivem - SBLOCCATO
stato prp
sincronizzazione prp
prp-tunervehiclefix - meta file qui come correzioni, carcols e carvariations - SBLOCCATO
prp-vacation - voglio una vacanza dopo aver scritto tutto questo
prp-veh - logica del veicolo - SBLOCCATO
prp-vehicleaudio - 47 audio motore personalizzati - SBLOCCATO
armi prp
erbaccia prp
rahe-audio - script rahe - BLOCCATO
rahe-boosting - script rahe - BLOCCATO
rage-hackingdevice - script rahe - BLOCCATO
rahe-racing - script rahe - BLOCCATO
rcore_arm_wrestling - script rcore - SBLOCCATO
rcore_lunapark - rcore - BLOCCATO
rcore_lunapark_assets - BLOCCATO
rcore_pool - BLOCCATO
rcore_tennis - BLOCCATO
rdzk_c_square - Piazza della legione Rudzik - BLOCCATO
rfc_joshua_road - Clubhouse Vipers MC - SBLOCCATO
rfc_rocksinsocks - Gioielleria - BLOCCATO
rfc_route68_garage - Garage sulla Route 68 - SBLOCCATO
screenshot-basic - dipendenza
gestore di sessione
sf-attachobject - SBLOCCATO
sf-blackjack - BLOCCATO
sf- (PREFISSO) tutto bloccato
spawnmanager - risorsa cfx
debugger di stato - SBLOCCATO
troll-int_tower_24_7 - Negozio 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7 nella torre che sostituisce il cantiere - SBLOCCATO
troll_int_black_market - mercato nero - SBLOCCATO
troll_int_church - Chiesa - SBLOCCATO
troll_int_cityhall - Municipio MLO - SBLOCCATO
troll_int_japanese_mafia - Mafia giapponese - SBLOCCATO
troll_int_working_mine - Miniera - SBLOCCATO
troll_map_bridge - Ponte - SBLOCCATO
troll_map_central_tower - Torre che sostituisce il cantiere di Legion Square - SBLOCCATO
troll_map_favelas - Case delle favelas vicino al parco degli specchi e alla diga - SBLOCCATO
^ Fare riferimento al video di YouTube per le anteprime di tutti questi mentre li esamino per dimostrare che sono sbloccati e funzionano
Per tutti coloro che sono scettici riguardo a questa STRAORDINARIA fuga di notizie, ho realizzato un video su YouTube in cui scrivo questo stesso messaggio e assaggio in anteprima ogni script per verificare se è bloccato, sbloccato e controllo tutte le fantastiche mappe.
Dai un'occhiata qui:
Grazie a tutti coloro che andranno avanti e acquisteranno questo pacchetto, lo apprezzo molto e vi ringrazio per l'immenso supporto. Il link per il download è Google Drive, ed è di circa 12,9 GB. Controlla qui sotto. Il link non dovrebbe mai scadere.
-=Contenuto spogliato=-
Prenderò una breve pausa per un po', ma tornerò presto a rivelare i server migliori su FiveM per farveli condividere e divertire. Per truffare e pagare soldi per cose che ci piacciono e con cui giochiamo, secondo me dovrebbe essere sempre gratis, i soldi non dovrebbero rovinare il nostro divertimento. Divertitevi ragazzi!