Embrace a captivating blend of eye-catching visuals and realism as you explore the city, bringing a fresh and rejuvenated experience to your GTA 5 adventure.
Patreon version 2.4 for SP -
Patreon version 2.4 for FiveM -
Patreon free version 0.2 for GTA 5 Enhanced SP Only
Includes all updates as of January 14, 2025. (ChromatiX 2.4)
14th January, 2025
- Enabled DLSS compatibility for Chromatix FiveM shaders.
- Enhanced the user interface of the Chromatix menu.
15th December, 2024
- Added comprehensive support for shaders, ensuring full compatibility with FiveM
- Added a custom menu to control the shader parameters (compatible with FiveM)
- Improved lighting for both day and night across all weather conditions
- Added new fog settings to create a more lifelike atmospheric environment
- Completely removed anamorphic lens effect at night for a cleaner and more natural look
- Adjusted night settings to make nights darker for all weather conditions, enhancing nighttime immersion
- Fully redone sky lighting for day and night time across all weathers
- Increased the intensity of the corona effect during nighttime
- Increased the density of night pollution to replicate the glow of a realistic night city
1st October, 2024
- The night sky has been improved for a more visually appealing experience.
- Lighting has been enhanced for both day and night, ensuring better lighting across all weather conditions.
- A new rain weather lighting system has been introduced, adding more realism to rainy environments.
- Rain intensity has been increased, along with larger, more noticeable raindrops.
- Fifteen new vegetation models have been added to enhance the natural landscape.
- Cloud-related issues have been resolved, resulting in better sky visuals.
- Puddle sizes during rainy weather have been reduced for a more realistic effect.
- The dust effect issue in Sandy Shores has been fixed for improved environmental consistency.
5th September, 2024
- Raindrops on your screen now adjust to your vehicle’s speed, becoming more intense as you go faster. You can toggle this feature on or off using the Chromatix menu (F7).
- A new volumetric sandstorm effect has been added to the Sandy Shores region. You can control its intensity and enable or disable it through the Chromatix menu (F7).
- You can now toggle volumetric clouds on and off, as well as adjust their density in the Chromatix menu (F7).
- Fixed an issue with menu settings not saving. Changes to menu settings will now be saved automatically after 10 seconds.
- Nighttime lighting has been improved, and bugs with sky quality at night have been fixed.
- Rain puddles now appear more realistic and natural.
- ENB shader has been refined for better visual quality.
- Issues with moon visibility at night have been resolved.
3rd August, 2024
- Added new realistic volumetric clouds in extra sunny, clear, and cloudy weather conditions as a [BETA] feature.
- Replaced all forest vegetation with new, improved tree models.
- Replaced various palm tree models with new, enhanced designs.
- Improved overall lighting conditions to achieve better visuals for all weather conditions.
- Improved the lens flare effect, making it more subtle.
- Introduced a new GUI, which can be toggled by pressing the ‘F7’ key [BETA].
5th July, 2024
- Enhanced road textures and resolved reported bugs to improve overall stability and visual quality.
- ChromatiX vegetation is now installed as an optional add-on.
- Expanded the ChromatiX vegetation optional with new palm tree models.
- Corrected ambient occlusion for ENB shaders, ensuring more realistic lighting and shadows.
- Adjusted and improved lens flare effects to achieve more realistic and visually appealing lighting effects.
- Optimized sky lighting for a more refined appearance, enhancing the atmosphere.
- Reduced the size of puddles during rainy weather for a more balanced and immersive experience.
- Enhanced nighttime illumination for increased beauty and clarity, creating more captivating nocturnal scenes.
10th May, 2024
- Implemented high-resolution 4K road textures, optimized for high detail levels without compromising performance.
- Revamped Rain Lens effect for an enhanced visual experience during rainy weather conditions.
- Enhanced nighttime lighting for increased brightness and immersion.
- Increased fog effects density during nighttime, elevating immersion and atmosphere.
- Fine-tuned lighting across all weather conditions for improved visual consistency and realism.
6th April, 2024
- Implemented new and improved white LOD lights to enhance nighttime visuals.
- Introduced new cedar tree models to the optional Vegetation section.
- Added white night pollution effects to the optional White Streetlights for enhanced realism.
- Introduced New Lens Flare effect for visual enhancement.
- Optimized LODs for vegetation props to improve performance.
- Resolved performance issues at night, enhancing nighttime gameplay.
- Rectified tint issues with road textures.
- Reduced corona intensity to achieve a more balanced lighting effect.
- Decreased streetlight intensity to create a subtler ambiance.
4th March, 2024
- Added new vegetation props for a more realistic environment.
- Upgraded bullethole textures to high-quality 4K for a more detailed experience.
- Resolved performance issues, achieving nearly zero FPS drops.
- Refined lighting settings across all weather conditions.
- Integrated vegetation optional into the base mod.
- Increased fog in various weather conditions for a realistic draw distance.
- Added vegetation support to the RageMP version.
1st February, 2024
- An optional new Reshade shader is now available.
- Reflections have been increased for improved graphical fidelity.
- Weathers are now more vibrant.
- Night horizons have been improved.
- Hollywood roads texture bug has been fixed.
- Sunlight has been refined for better visual effects during daytime.
- Nights are darker for a more atmospheric experience.
- Cloud-related issues have been addressed and fixed.
- All snow weathers have been improved.
- New cloud generator settings have been implemented for all weathers.
18th December, 2023
- Introduced new optional road textures (WIP).
- Added support for ragemp, expanding compatibility.
- Resolved the moon scale bug for accurate celestial representation.
- Introduced a new sky for sunny, clear, and cloudy weather scenarios.
- Improved ambient occlusion across all weathers.
- Improved distant details for a more immersive experience.
- Enhanced lighting specifically for clear and sunny conditions.
- Motion blur is now an optional feature.
- Enhanced visibility and scale of stars for a more captivating night sky.
- Updated ENB shaders to enhance the rain atmosphere for a more immersive experience.
- Enhanced lighting specifically for clear and sunny conditions.
- Implemented subtle and faded shadow lighting across all weather conditions.
- Improved distant details for a more immersive experience.
10th November, 2023
- Introduced new vegetation to enrich the game environment.
- Rectified saturation levels across all weathers, resulting in a more vibrant and colorful gaming experience.
- Reduced reflections, leading to diminished shininess on cars.
- Darkened and refined the overcast weather to achieve a more natural and immersive atmosphere.
- Improved the underwater visuals for a more captivating gaming experience.
- Fixed a bug causing unnatural night lighting in clouds weather scenarios.
- Fixed sun rays during Extra Sunny conditions for a more realistic rendering.
- Eliminated motion blur in the first-person perspective for a clearer and more focused gameplay.
- Implemented adjustments for more natural lighting in the clouds weather scenario.
- Enhanced the sunset experience during Extra Sunny and Clear conditions.
- Addressed and fixed the ENB roads bug for improved visual coherence.
- Resolved the sunrise car reflection issue for a more visually appealing gameplay during dawn.
12th October, 2023
- ChromatiX is now fully compatible with the FiveM platform, allowing players to enjoy its features within a broader gaming community
- Nighttime in all weathers has been revamped to create a more immersive and atmospheric experience. Expect richer, darker nights with enhanced moonlight to guide your path
- We’ve made raindrops on your screen subtler, ensuring that they don’t obstruct your view while driving in inclement weather
- Corona on taillights has been rectified, providing a more realistic and glitch-free visual experience
- Snowy conditions now exhibit an enhanced level of realism, and the night lighting effects have been fine-tuned to create a more visually stunning winter environment
- The snow mist has been refined, adding to the overall ambiance and authenticity of snowy conditions in the game
- Bloom effects have been introduced across all weathers, enhancing the visual quality and immersiveness of the game world
24th September, 2023
- Experience new, animated on-screen raindrops that seamlessly complement all types of rain weathers
- Streetlights are now offered as an optional add-on, featuring a variety of vibrant colors for you to choose from to illuminate your virtual world
- Introducing an optional add-on that removes unsightly trash from the streets, enhancing the overall aesthetics of your gameplay
- Enjoy improved lightning effects across various weather conditions, including Clear, Extra Sunny, Clouds, Overcast, Rain, and Thunder
- The extreme car reflection feature is now available as an optional add-on, allowing you to fine-tune your visual experience
- Nights have been adjusted to provide a brighter and more immersive nocturnal atmosphere
- We’ve addressed and resolved issues with emergency lights, ensuring they function as intended during critical moments
- Major bugs affecting nighttime gameplay have been meticulously resolved
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