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  • Post hidden due to user being banned.
This will just be the worst scam shit.

The serverpacks will probably work to some extent, but the decrypt shit is just bullshit. Anyone with a brain knows what's already been leaked and is open source, and the people who claim to have working FXAP decryptors always show how to decrypt scripts that have been open source for over a year, but if you say "do xyz, I'll send you the files too". Then you get blocked :D. Because you can't, or supposedly 'they don't have to prove anything to you' ha. ha. ha.

^^ Oh and it could be that the boosts are not a scam either, but let's be honest, there are more than 20 trusted boost sellers, but! some of the servers shown in the showcase no longer have any boosts.

And if I'm right, it's the guy who wanted to sell his nopixel packages via vag (under the name noxify) and started at $900 and later sold the shit for $50 and less because everyone knew it was shit and hardly worked.


And guys and gals, if there will ever be a 100% working decrypter, then the Nopixel MLOs & scripts will be available everywhere for free, because everyone wants them, no matter if German, English, French or Russian.

Don't get scammed and if I'm wrong, send me a proof and I'll adapt it and for the author: if this tool works, give me a free access for 1 hour (so I can make sure about the functionality) and if everything works, I'll help you for free how to control the scene in the German speaking area. (Will never happen haha.)

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