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QBUS Cerberus / Qbus Framework (1 Viewer)


Sep 8, 2022
Reaction score
Due to reviews I do not recommend you wasting your time downloading this, people seem to have FPS issues and/or experience lag.
No in-game preview. (Won't make one either, if you want too make one or already have one, you can post it and I might add it here)

This server includes a SQL and configuration files (.cfg)
Be aware, I have not tested this, not sure if this will work correctly or if you need to change any.
I won't be giving any support, if you don't know how to set it up or how to use it, stop 'scripting' and go play Roblox.

I'm not taking any credits, this ain't my work, just sharing it with you so you can use it because you can't make any better.

Download here

"Features" or something
(The next list is straightly taken from Cerberus's Discord: https://*******/2eWbpT7sja
Optimized scripts (Total CPU: 1.6ms-1.9ms)
Nopixel Radio (Working volume up and down)
Taco Shop Enabled and Optimized
Oxy run Enabled and Optimized
Mining Job enabled and well optimized
Butcher Job enabled also and well optimized
Modified Housing system stash weight is configurable
Optimized Core System and modified
Bossmenu added for whitelisted jobs
Society money enabled for whitelisted jobs
Phone invoice system fully working
/fine [ID] [AMOUNT] [TITTLE] ( for invoicing a player WHITELISTED JOB ONLY)
Modified Admin menu added more features
v3.0 Nopixel inspired hud (Circular health map and food)

Police Job System
Enabled command /livery for police cars (usable in police department only)
Enabled command /fix for fixing police cars (usable in police department only)
Enabled command /extras for vehicle extras for police cars (usable in police department only)
Enabled command /ptint for vehicle window tint for police cars (usable in police department only)
Enabled command /evidence # (Example: /evidence 1 /evidence 2 in evidence locker room)
Nopixel style dispatch alert/police alert
Using Nopixel MDT modified (With citizenID and fingerprint ID) when searching a player

Hospital System
Added Anti unlimited revive (injured state where players can't run and when shooting it will decrease their Health after got revived from laststand or dead)

Add ons
You can choose your voice system either (Mumble Voip or Tokovoip)
You can also choose your clothing system (Default QBUS or Raid Clothes)

Framework now fully Onesync Infinity compatible
Dumpster added in inventory (fully optimized) | 0.05ms (inventory when near dumpster)
Vending Machine (fully optimized) | 0.07ms (inventory when near vending machine)
Nopixel paycheck inspired
Fixed Police blips for infinity
Fixed admin menu for infinity
Fixed global drops for infinity
Global Tax enabled (configurable of how much tax you want to implement in your server it will automatically adjust all the prices in shops including pdm, to control economy)


Have fun, I guess.


Nov 22, 2022
Reaction score
Due to reviews I do not recommend you wasting your time downloading this, people seem to have FPS issues and/or experience lag.
No in-game preview. (Won't make one either, if you want too make one or already have one, you can post it and I might add it here)

This server includes a SQL and configuration files (.cfg)
Be aware, I have not tested this, not sure if this will work correctly or if you need to change any.
I won't be giving any support, if you don't know how to set it up or how to use it, stop 'scripting' and go play Roblox.

I'm not taking any credits, this ain't my work, just sharing it with you so you can use it because you can't make any better.

Download here

"Features" or something
(The next list is straightly taken from Cerberus's Discord: https://*******/2eWbpT7sja
Optimized scripts (Total CPU: 1.6ms-1.9ms)
Nopixel Radio (Working volume up and down)
Taco Shop Enabled and Optimized
Oxy run Enabled and Optimized
Mining Job enabled and well optimized
Butcher Job enabled also and well optimized
Modified Housing system stash weight is configurable
Optimized Core System and modified
Bossmenu added for whitelisted jobs
Society money enabled for whitelisted jobs
Phone invoice system fully working
/fine [ID] [AMOUNT] [TITTLE] ( for invoicing a player WHITELISTED JOB ONLY)
Modified Admin menu added more features
v3.0 Nopixel inspired hud (Circular health map and food)

Police Job System
Enabled command /livery for police cars (usable in police department only)
Enabled command /fix for fixing police cars (usable in police department only)
Enabled command /extras for vehicle extras for police cars (usable in police department only)
Enabled command /ptint for vehicle window tint for police cars (usable in police department only)
Enabled command /evidence # (Example: /evidence 1 /evidence 2 in evidence locker room)
Nopixel style dispatch alert/police alert
Using Nopixel MDT modified (With citizenID and fingerprint ID) when searching a player

Hospital System
Added Anti unlimited revive (injured state where players can't run and when shooting it will decrease their Health after got revived from laststand or dead)

Add ons
You can choose your voice system either (Mumble Voip or Tokovoip)
You can also choose your clothing system (Default QBUS or Raid Clothes)

Framework now fully Onesync Infinity compatible
Dumpster added in inventory (fully optimized) | 0.05ms (inventory when near dumpster)
Vending Machine (fully optimized) | 0.07ms (inventory when near vending machine)
Nopixel paycheck inspired
Fixed Police blips for infinity
Fixed admin menu for infinity
Fixed global drops for infinity
Global Tax enabled (configurable of how much tax you want to implement in your server it will automatically adjust all the prices in shops including pdm, to control economy)


Have fun, I guess.
Nice one


New member
Nov 22, 2022
Reaction score
Due to reviews I do not recommend you wasting your time downloading this, people seem to have FPS issues and/or experience lag.
No in-game preview. (Won't make one either, if you want too make one or already have one, you can post it and I might add it here)

This server includes a SQL and configuration files (.cfg)
Be aware, I have not tested this, not sure if this will work correctly or if you need to change any.
I won't be giving any support, if you don't know how to set it up or how to use it, stop 'scripting' and go play Roblox.

I'm not taking any credits, this ain't my work, just sharing it with you so you can use it because you can't make any better.

Download here

"Features" or something
(The next list is straightly taken from Cerberus's Discord: https://*******/2eWbpT7sja
Optimized scripts (Total CPU: 1.6ms-1.9ms)
Nopixel Radio (Working volume up and down)
Taco Shop Enabled and Optimized
Oxy run Enabled and Optimized
Mining Job enabled and well optimized
Butcher Job enabled also and well optimized
Modified Housing system stash weight is configurable
Optimized Core System and modified
Bossmenu added for whitelisted jobs
Society money enabled for whitelisted jobs
Phone invoice system fully working
/fine [ID] [AMOUNT] [TITTLE] ( for invoicing a player WHITELISTED JOB ONLY)
Modified Admin menu added more features
v3.0 Nopixel inspired hud (Circular health map and food)

Police Job System
Enabled command /livery for police cars (usable in police department only)
Enabled command /fix for fixing police cars (usable in police department only)
Enabled command /extras for vehicle extras for police cars (usable in police department only)
Enabled command /ptint for vehicle window tint for police cars (usable in police department only)
Enabled command /evidence # (Example: /evidence 1 /evidence 2 in evidence locker room)
Nopixel style dispatch alert/police alert
Using Nopixel MDT modified (With citizenID and fingerprint ID) when searching a player

Hospital System
Added Anti unlimited revive (injured state where players can't run and when shooting it will decrease their Health after got revived from laststand or dead)

Add ons
You can choose your voice system either (Mumble Voip or Tokovoip)
You can also choose your clothing system (Default QBUS or Raid Clothes)

Framework now fully Onesync Infinity compatible
Dumpster added in inventory (fully optimized) | 0.05ms (inventory when near dumpster)
Vending Machine (fully optimized) | 0.07ms (inventory when near vending machine)
Nopixel paycheck inspired
Fixed Police blips for infinity
Fixed admin menu for infinity
Fixed global drops for infinity
Global Tax enabled (configurable of how much tax you want to implement in your server it will automatically adjust all the prices in shops including pdm, to control economy)


Have fun, I guess.

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