Fivem Mother Hub
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ADN'S | iAdmin | NUI | Best Admin Menu | FiveM Scripts
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ADN'S | iBurglary | UI/RageUI V2 | FiveM Scripts
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ADN'S | iCreator - RageUI V2 | FiveM Shop
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ADN'S | iDrugs | FiveM Store
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ADN'S | iGarage | FiveM Scripts
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ADN'S | iHud-V2 | NUI | Beautiful animations | FiveM Scripts
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ADN'S | iMarket | NUI | Advanced Shop System | FiveM Scripts
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Config_Market = {}
Config_Market.Shops_Object = "prop_washing_basket_01"
-- Framework Configuration
Config_Market.ESX = {
method = "function", -- Use "function" for export method or "event" for triggering an event
extended_resourceName = "es_extended", -- ESX extended resource name for export
eventName = "esx:getSharedObject" -- Event name for ESX retrieval
-- Default Blip Settings
Config_Market.Blips = {
label = "Shop",
sprite = 52,
scale = 0.8,
colour = 2
-- Shop Configuration
Config_Market.Shops = {
name = "Grocery Store",
zone = { position = vector3(21.0998, -1351.2166, 29.3269), maxDist = 50.0 },
cart_position = vector3(25.7785, -1350.9460, 29.3312),
obj_cart_position = vector3(21.2001, -1354.7544, 29.3333),
access_to_shop = true, -- Set to a table of identifiers for restricted access
object_name = "prop_washing_basket_01", -- Prop name for carts
Categories = {
Drinks = {
position = vector3(17.8290, -1353.8331, 29.3279),
distance = 5.5,
Items = {
{ name = "water", label = "Water", price = 5 },
{ name = "cola", label = "Cola", price = 8 },
Food = {
position = vector3(14.9649, -1354.1768, 29.3080),
distance = 5.5,
Items = {
{ name = "bread", label = "Bread", price = 10 },
{ name = "apple", label = "Apple", price = 7 },
Blip = { label = "Grocery Store", sprite = 52, scale = 0.9, colour = 2 }
-- Notifications
Config_Market.Notifications = {
cartTaken = "You have taken the cart.",
cartDeposited = "Cart deposited.",
notEnoughMoney = "You don't have enough money.",
itemBought = "You bought %s for $%d."
-- Database Queries
Config_Market.Database = {
selectPlayerItems = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `identifier` = ?",
updateItemQuantity = "UPDATE `inventory` SET `quantity` = ? WHERE `item` = ? AND `owner` = ?",
addItemQuery = "INSERT INTO `inventory` (owner, item, quantity) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
removeItemQuery = "DELETE FROM `inventory` WHERE `item` = ? AND `owner` = ?"
-- Progress Bars
Config_Market.ProgressBars = {
buyItem = {
duration = 2000,
label = "Processing purchase...",
disable = { combat = true, car = true }
-- Skill Check
Config_Market.SkillCheck = {
difficulty = "medium", -- Can be "easy", "medium", "hard", or custom table
inputs = { "e", "q", "space" } -- Custom keys for challenges
-- Ox Inventory Integration
Config_Market.Inventory = {
useOxInventory = true, -- If true, enable Ox Inventory functions
addItem = function(inv, item, count)
return exports.ox_inventory:AddItem(inv, item, count)
removeItem = function(inv, item, count)
return exports.ox_inventory:RemoveItem(inv, item, count)
ADN'S | iNotification V2 | NUI | Multiples Choice | FiveM Store
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ADN'S | iNotificationV3 | NUI Advanced Notification | FiveM Scripts
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ADN'S | Pause Menu | NUI | FiveM Scripts
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ADN'S | iWhitelist | Advanced Whitelist system | FiveM Scripts
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