# Unofficial Update v4.1.0
*I don't get any money for it! This unofficial update was created by me voluntarily.*
[**Unofficial Documentation**](https://musiker15.gitbook.io/chezza-studios/inventory-v4/getting-started)
## Changelogs
### General
* SQL will be created automatically
* Removed support for mysql-async and Added support for oxmysql
* Discord Webhook is now located in `/server/webhook.lua`
### Added
* Added multiple language support
* Added Config Option to disable Hotbar Hotkeys inside a vehicle if player is driver
* Added Support for the Switchblade Animation when pressing the Hotbar Hotkey
* Changed PlayerNames or PlayerID Config to `Config.ShowPlayerNames` for more options
* Added some cool new features to the Rob Plugin
* Added some new functions in `config.functions.lua`
* Added a function that prevent players from opening there inventory if they are handcuffed -> Configure it in `config.functions.lua`
* Jaksam Jobs_creator and msk_handcuffs are preconfigured in `config.functions.lua`
* Added Timeout Event to prevent that you can open the inventory for X seconds -> [Export](https://musiker15.gitbook.io/chezza-studios/inventory-v4/exports/lockinventory) | [Event](https://musiker15.gitbook.io/chezza-studios/inventory-v4/events/inventory-lockinventory)
* Added Event and Export to close the Inventory -> [Export](https://musiker15.gitbook.io/chezza-studios/inventory-v4/exports/closeinventory) | [Event](https://musiker15.gitbook.io/chezza-studios/inventory-v4/events/inventory-closeinventory)
* Added new Event to open the Trunk or Glovebox -> [Event](https://musiker15.gitbook.io/chezza-studios/inventory-v4/events/inventory-opentrunkglovebox)
### Fixed
* Fixed Crafting Plugin where you can craft without enough items. Not possible anymore.
* Some other Bugfixes too...
## Next Steps
My next step will be to write many new features and settings for the Crafting, Shop and Storage plugins.
Assuming chezza isn't faster than me with the v5 update
*I don't get any money for it! This unofficial update was created by me voluntarily.*
[**Unofficial Documentation**](https://musiker15.gitbook.io/chezza-studios/inventory-v4/getting-started)
## Changelogs
### General
* SQL will be created automatically
* Removed support for mysql-async and Added support for oxmysql
* Discord Webhook is now located in `/server/webhook.lua`
### Added
* Added multiple language support
* Added Config Option to disable Hotbar Hotkeys inside a vehicle if player is driver
* Added Support for the Switchblade Animation when pressing the Hotbar Hotkey
* Changed PlayerNames or PlayerID Config to `Config.ShowPlayerNames` for more options
* Added some cool new features to the Rob Plugin
* Added some new functions in `config.functions.lua`
* Added a function that prevent players from opening there inventory if they are handcuffed -> Configure it in `config.functions.lua`
* Jaksam Jobs_creator and msk_handcuffs are preconfigured in `config.functions.lua`
* Added Timeout Event to prevent that you can open the inventory for X seconds -> [Export](https://musiker15.gitbook.io/chezza-studios/inventory-v4/exports/lockinventory) | [Event](https://musiker15.gitbook.io/chezza-studios/inventory-v4/events/inventory-lockinventory)
* Added Event and Export to close the Inventory -> [Export](https://musiker15.gitbook.io/chezza-studios/inventory-v4/exports/closeinventory) | [Event](https://musiker15.gitbook.io/chezza-studios/inventory-v4/events/inventory-closeinventory)
* Added new Event to open the Trunk or Glovebox -> [Event](https://musiker15.gitbook.io/chezza-studios/inventory-v4/events/inventory-opentrunkglovebox)
### Fixed
* Fixed Crafting Plugin where you can craft without enough items. Not possible anymore.
* Some other Bugfixes too...
## Next Steps
My next step will be to write many new features and settings for the Crafting, Shop and Storage plugins.
Assuming chezza isn't faster than me with the v5 update