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NVE!!! Natural Vision Evolved Update - June 30th, 2023 [LATEST] LİNK UPDATED (12 Viewers)

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Apr 21, 2022


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Todos os Pacotes Apenas 8 Créditos
-=Conteúdo Retirado=-​

Registro de alterações de 31 de março:

  • Iluminação e reflexos aprimorados durante o nascer do sol (6:00) e o pôr do sol (20:00) em todos os climas ensolarados
  • Atualizado o patch do clima e reativado os climas neutros e de neve no pacote para um jogador
  • Adicionado um sistema de sujeira personalizado para roupas de jogador no pacote Single Player. A sujeira se acumulará lentamente na roupa ao caminhar em superfícies lamacentas ou pantanosas. Também aparecerá se o jogador se danificar em qualquer superfície de areia, lama, pântano ou terra. Lava muito rapidamente na água ou desaparece por conta própria após 5 minutos. Funciona com todos os modelos de personagens. Além disso, atualizou a textura da sujeira para melhor qualidade e visibilidade
  • Corrigidos todos os problemas relacionados à iluminação pública com o plug-in NVE.asi no pacote FiveM. Agora sprites de luz distantes mudam de cor corretamente, assim como o brilho ao redor das lâmpadas. Além disso, o sombreador agora se aplica apenas às luzes da rua, em vez de todas as luzes
  • Adicionado mosaico de árvores a várias palmeiras, cedros e pinheiros ao redor do mapa
  • A fazenda Grapeseed Cow Farm foi reformulada com novas texturas de terra e lama de alta qualidade. Modelos de solo modificados adicionalmente com ajustes de shader e mapeamento de paralaxe
  • Texturas e materiais aprimorados em vacas com pelo adicionado
  • Importado o shader de vinheta superior para trabalhar dentro do ReShade para os pacotes Single Player e FiveM
  • Adicionado um modo 'Freecam' em andamento ao pacote Single Player, que ajudará os jogadores a tirar fotos cinematográficas durante o jogo. O Freecam vem com a opção de aplicar filtros, habilitar a profundidade de campo, aumentar ou diminuir o campo de visão (FOV), aumentar os valores de LOD, habilitar câmera lenta e muito mais. Consulte a seção 'ReShade Tips' do leia-me para obter mais informações. Freecam será melhorado em atualizações futuras
  • Aumentou o tamanho e a duração do sangue que encharca as roupas quando ferido
  • Adicionado uma textura de volume de espuma oceânica de alta resolução
  • Vários outdoors, letreiros e pinturas de caminhões retexturizados em Los Santos para o "Pacote de conteúdo extra" para apoiadores Platinum
  • Aumentada a profundidade dos buracos de bala no vidro
  • Mapeamento de tom levemente ajustado durante o dia para maior contraste
  • Sombras removidas em várias partículas de decalque do pé que foram previamente corrigidas
  • Corrigido um problema com o sombreador de lente de chuva ocasionalmente mostrando quedas de lente em outros climas
  • Atualizado o pacote RAGEMP alternando para o método de instalação 'user_resources'
  • Aumento da intensidade da coroa em todas as lanternas
  • Misc. correções de bugs e ajustes



Aug 29, 2022

LAST UPDATE 02.04.2023

Preview video coming soon!​

You can see the changes here Razed Preview

All Package Just 8 Credit
-=Stripped Content=-​

March 31st Change Log:

  • Improved lighting and reflections during sunrise (6:00) and sunset (20:00) in all Sunny weathers
  • Updated the weather patch and re-enabled Neutral and Snowlight weathers in the Single Player package
  • Added a custom dirt system for player clothing in the Single Player package. Dirt will slowly accumulate on clothing when walking through mud or marsh surfaces. It will also appear if the player damages themselves on any sand, mud, marsh, dirt surface. Washes off very quickly in water or disappears on its own after 5 minutes. Works with all character models. Additionally updated the dirt texture for better quality and visibility
  • Fixed all street light related issues with the NVE.asi plugin within the FiveM package. Now distant light sprites change color properly, as well as the glow around light bulbs. Additionally the shader now applies only to street lights instead of all lights
  • Added tree tessellation to various palm, cedar and pine trees around the map
  • Reworked the Grapeseed Cow Farm with new high-quality dirt and mud textures. Additionally modified ground models with shader adjustments and parallax mapping
  • Improved textures and materials on Cows with added fur
  • Imported the top vignette shader to work inside ReShade for the Single Player and FiveM packages
  • Added a work-in-progress 'Freecam' mode to the Single Player package which will help players take cinematic photos during gameplay. Freecam comes with the option to apply filters, enable depth of field, increase or decrease the field of view (FOV), increase LOD values, enable slow motion and much more. See the 'ReShade Tips' section of the readme for more information. Freecam will be improved in future updates
  • Increased the size and duration of blood soaking through clothing when wounded
  • Added a high-resolution ocean foam volume texture
  • Retextured various billboards, signs and truck liveries around Los Santos for the "Extra Content Pack" for Platinum Supporters
  • Increased the depth of bullet holes on glass
  • Slightly adjusted tonemapping during daytime for added contrast
  • Removed shadows on various foot decal particles which were previously bugged
  • Fixed an issue with the rain lens shader occasionally showing lens drops in other weathers
  • Updated the RAGEMP package by switching over to the 'user_resources' install method
  • Increased corona intensity on all flashlights
  • Misc. bug fixes and tweaks



Active member
Aug 4, 2022

LAST UPDATE 02.04.2023

Preview video coming soon!​

You can see the changes here Razed Preview

All Package ̶2̶0̶ ̶C̶r̶e̶d̶i̶t̶ 10 Credit
-=Stripped Content=-​

April 1st Change Log:

  • Improved performance on AMD hardware in FiveM
  • Fixed random crashing issues in FiveM
  • Fixed raindrops vehicle and weather detection in FiveM
  • Fixed a few decal issues around Grapeseed Farm
  • Added a temporary RAGEMP legacy version for download

March 31st Change Log:

  • Improved lighting and reflections during sunrise (6:00) and sunset (20:00) in all Sunny weathers
  • Updated the weather patch and re-enabled Neutral and Snowlight weathers in the Single Player package
  • Added a custom dirt system for player clothing in the Single Player package. Dirt will slowly accumulate on clothing when walking through mud or marsh surfaces. It will also appear if the player damages themselves on any sand, mud, marsh, dirt surface. Washes off very quickly in water or disappears on its own after 5 minutes. Works with all character models. Additionally updated the dirt texture for better quality and visibility
  • Fixed all street light related issues with the NVE.asi plugin within the FiveM package. Now distant light sprites change color properly, as well as the glow around light bulbs. Additionally the shader now applies only to street lights instead of all lights
  • Added tree tessellation to various palm, cedar and pine trees around the map
  • Reworked the Grapeseed Cow Farm with new high-quality dirt and mud textures. Additionally modified ground models with shader adjustments and parallax mapping
  • Improved textures and materials on Cows with added fur
  • Imported the top vignette shader to work inside ReShade for the Single Player and FiveM packages
  • Added a work-in-progress 'Freecam' mode to the Single Player package which will help players take cinematic photos during gameplay. Freecam comes with the option to apply filters, enable depth of field, increase or decrease the field of view (FOV), increase LOD values, enable slow motion and much more. See the 'ReShade Tips' section of the readme for more information. Freecam will be improved in future updates
  • Increased the size and duration of blood soaking through clothing when wounded
  • Added a high-resolution ocean foam volume texture
  • Retextured various billboards, signs and truck liveries around Los Santos for the "Extra Content Pack" for Platinum Supporters
  • Increased the depth of bullet holes on glass
  • Slightly adjusted tonemapping during daytime for added contrast
  • Removed shadows on various foot decal particles which were previously bugged
  • Fixed an issue with the rain lens shader occasionally showing lens drops in other weathers
  • Updated the RAGEMP package by switching over to the 'user_resources' install method
  • Increased corona intensity on all flashlights
  • Misc. bug fixes and tweaks

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