THANKS MAN[ RELEASE ] Lapizh Visuals
Version 1.2 of Lapizh Visuals Includes:
Changelog :
- Advanced Water Graphics
- Breathtaking Visuals
- Low & High-end PC optimized
- Reflections like ( Ray tracing )
- Enhanced Lighting
- Amazing Night & Daytime
- FPS Boosting ( some cases )
This was created for 3$ by Lapizh, it is a FiveM local graphics pack that gives a breathtaking experience to the FiveM community.
- Added volumetric clouds
- Better textures
- Higher fps boost
Images taken on GTX 1050
Screenshot (125)1920×1085 99.9 KB
Screenshot (124)1920×1082 111 KB
Screenshot (104)1920×1080 154 KB
unknown1919×731 161 KB
NOTE: Open IV is NOT needed for installation.
Download: 23
Right click on FiveM press open file location then > fivem application data > citizen > common > data .
Drag and drop all files into < data >, and replace files if asked.
Launch FiveM and Enjoy <33
| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | N/A
| Requirements | FiveM |
| Support | Yes |
-=Stripped Content=-
[ RELEASE ] Lapizh Visuals
Version 1.2 of Lapizh Visuals Includes:
Changelog :
- Advanced Water Graphics
- Breathtaking Visuals
- Low & High-end PC optimized
- Reflections like ( Ray tracing )
- Enhanced Lighting
- Amazing Night & Daytime
- FPS Boosting ( some cases )
This was created for 3$ by Lapizh, it is a FiveM local graphics pack that gives a breathtaking experience to the FiveM community.
- Added volumetric clouds
- Better textures
- Higher fps boost
Images taken on GTX 1050
Screenshot (125)1920×1085 99.9 KB
Screenshot (124)1920×1082 111 KB
Screenshot (104)1920×1080 154 KB
unknown1919×731 161 KB
NOTE: Open IV is NOT needed for installation.
Download: 23
Right click on FiveM press open file location then > fivem application data > citizen > common > data .
Drag and drop all files into < data >, and replace files if asked.
Launch FiveM and Enjoy <33
| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | N/A
| Requirements | FiveM |
| Support | Yes |
-=Stripped Content=-
This was my old Roleplay server files.
Now, the thread will port on my brand new Freeroam server files, who works standalone, and could be integrated to any framework exists.
Features :
- A bunch of addon vehicles.
- Two custom army animations (dpemote).
- Cayo Perico ready.
- Legion Square flags, and all map benches can be edited (you just have to find the right files!).
- Last official EUP (require patreon key).
- Last serverfiles.
- Discord Rich Presence (you just have to find the right file).
- A very simple but attractive HUD with 1, 2 and 3 keymaps.
- Fueling system (for free as it's a freeroam).
- An unique pause menu that very very few servers uses this.
- Somes LSPD and services (Secret Service, Coroner, Towing) addons vehicles.
- Somes cilivians trucks with a bunch of variants.
- Somes military addons planes (Mig 31, F22A, BSG Viper Mk2 or even the SU-47).
- Somes very cool scripts edited to work standalone (like the /showid, you have to see it!).
- and some others cools features!
-=Stripped Content=-
Rep![ RELEASE ] Lapizh Visuals
Version 1.2 of Lapizh Visuals Includes:
Changelog :
- Advanced Water Graphics
- Breathtaking Visuals
- Low & High-end PC optimized
- Reflections like ( Ray tracing )
- Enhanced Lighting
- Amazing Night & Daytime
- FPS Boosting ( some cases )
This was created for 3$ by Lapizh, it is a FiveM local graphics pack that gives a breathtaking experience to the FiveM community.
- Added volumetric clouds
- Better textures
- Higher fps boost
Images taken on GTX 1050
Screenshot (125)1920×1085 99.9 KB
Screenshot (124)1920×1082 111 KB
Screenshot (104)1920×1080 154 KB
unknown1919×731 161 KB
NOTE: Open IV is NOT needed for installation.
Download: 23
Right click on FiveM press open file location then > fivem application data > citizen > common > data .
Drag and drop all files into < data >, and replace files if asked.
Launch FiveM and Enjoy <33
| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | N/A
| Requirements | FiveM |
| Support | Yes |
-=Stripped Content=-
nice one[ RELEASE ] Lapizh Visuals
Version 1.2 of Lapizh Visuals Includes:
Changelog :
- Advanced Water Graphics
- Breathtaking Visuals
- Low & High-end PC optimized
- Reflections like ( Ray tracing )
- Enhanced Lighting
- Amazing Night & Daytime
- FPS Boosting ( some cases )
This was created for 3$ by Lapizh, it is a FiveM local graphics pack that gives a breathtaking experience to the FiveM community.
- Added volumetric clouds
- Better textures
- Higher fps boost
Images taken on GTX 1050
Screenshot (125)1920×1085 99.9 KB
Screenshot (124)1920×1082 111 KB
Screenshot (104)1920×1080 154 KB
unknown1919×731 161 KB
NOTE: Open IV is NOT needed for installation.
Download: 23
Right click on FiveM press open file location then > fivem application data > citizen > common > data .
Drag and drop all files into < data >, and replace files if asked.
Launch FiveM and Enjoy <33
| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | N/A
| Requirements | FiveM |
| Support | Yes |
-=Stripped Content=-
my[VYDÁNÍ] Lapizh Visuals
Verze 1.2 Lapizh Visuals obsahuje:
Seznam změn:
- Pokročilá vodní grafika
- Dechberoucí vizuály
- Optimalizováno pro nízké a špičkové PC
- Odrazy jako (Ray tracing)
- Vylepšené osvětlení
- Úžasná noc a den
- Zvýšení FPS (některé případy)
Toto bylo vytvořeno za 3 $ od Lapizh, je to místní grafický balíček FiveM, který komunitě FiveM poskytuje dechberoucí zážitek.
- Přidány objemové mraky
- Lepší textury
- Vyšší zvýšení fps
Snímky pořízené na GTX 1050
Snímek obrazovky (125) 1920×1085 99,9 KB
Snímek obrazovky (124) 1920×1082 111 KB
Snímek obrazovky (104) 1920×1080 154 KB
neznámý1919×731 161 kB
POZNÁMKA: K instalaci NENÍ potřeba Open IV.
Stažení: 23
Klikněte pravým tlačítkem na FiveM stiskněte otevřít umístění souboru a poté > pět dat aplikace > občan > společné > data .
Přetáhněte všechny soubory do < data > a na výzvu soubory nahraďte.
Spusťte FiveM a užívejte si <33
| Kód je přístupný | Ne |
| Na základě předplatného | Ne |
| Čáry (přibližně) | N/A
| Požadavky | PětM |
| Podpora | Ano |
-=Odstraněný obsah=-
rthr[ RELEASE ] Lapizh Visuals
Version 1.2 of Lapizh Visuals Includes:
Changelog :
- Advanced Water Graphics
- Breathtaking Visuals
- Low & High-end PC optimized
- Reflections like ( Ray tracing )
- Enhanced Lighting
- Amazing Night & Daytime
- FPS Boosting ( some cases )
This was created for 3$ by Lapizh, it is a FiveM local graphics pack that gives a breathtaking experience to the FiveM community.
- Added volumetric clouds
- Better textures
- Higher fps boost
Images taken on GTX 1050
Screenshot (125)1920×1085 99.9 KB
Screenshot (124)1920×1082 111 KB
Screenshot (104)1920×1080 154 KB
unknown1919×731 161 KB
NOTE: Open IV is NOT needed for installation.
Download: 23
Right click on FiveM press open file location then > fivem application data > citizen > common > data .
Drag and drop all files into < data >, and replace files if asked.
Launch FiveM and Enjoy <33
| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | N/A
| Requirements | FiveM |
| Support | Yes |
-=Stripped Content=-
sv[ RELEASE ] Lapizh Visuals
Version 1.2 of Lapizh Visuals Includes:
Changelog :
- Advanced Water Graphics
- Breathtaking Visuals
- Low & High-end PC optimized
- Reflections like ( Ray tracing )
- Enhanced Lighting
- Amazing Night & Daytime
- FPS Boosting ( some cases )
This was created for 3$ by Lapizh, it is a FiveM local graphics pack that gives a breathtaking experience to the FiveM community.
- Added volumetric clouds
- Better textures
- Higher fps boost
Images taken on GTX 1050
Screenshot (125)1920×1085 99.9 KB
Screenshot (124)1920×1082 111 KB
Screenshot (104)1920×1080 154 KB
unknown1919×731 161 KB
NOTE: Open IV is NOT needed for installation.
Download: 23
Right click on FiveM press open file location then > fivem application data > citizen > common > data .
Drag and drop all files into < data >, and replace files if asked.
Launch FiveM and Enjoy <33
| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | N/A
| Requirements | FiveM |
| Support | Yes |
-=Stripped Content=-
Thxx[ RELEASE ] Lapizh Visuals
Version 1.2 of Lapizh Visuals Includes:
Changelog :
- Advanced Water Graphics
- Breathtaking Visuals
- Low & High-end PC optimized
- Reflections like ( Ray tracing )
- Enhanced Lighting
- Amazing Night & Daytime
- FPS Boosting ( some cases )
This was created for 3$ by Lapizh, it is a FiveM local graphics pack that gives a breathtaking experience to the FiveM community.
- Added volumetric clouds
- Better textures
- Higher fps boost
Images taken on GTX 1050
Screenshot (125)1920×1085 99.9 KB
Screenshot (124)1920×1082 111 KB
Screenshot (104)1920×1080 154 KB
unknown1919×731 161 KB
NOTE: Open IV is NOT needed for installation.
Download: 23
Right click on FiveM press open file location then > fivem application data > citizen > common > data .
Drag and drop all files into < data >, and replace files if asked.
Launch FiveM and Enjoy <33
| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | N/A
| Requirements | FiveM |
| Support | Yes |
-=Stripped Content=-
Thankss Bro Goatedd[ RELEASE ] Lapizh Visuals
Version 1.2 of Lapizh Visuals Includes:
Changelog :
- Advanced Water Graphics
- Breathtaking Visuals
- Low & High-end PC optimized
- Reflections like ( Ray tracing )
- Enhanced Lighting
- Amazing Night & Daytime
- FPS Boosting ( some cases )
This was created for 3$ by Lapizh, it is a FiveM local graphics pack that gives a breathtaking experience to the FiveM community.
- Added volumetric clouds
- Better textures
- Higher fps boost
Images taken on GTX 1050
Screenshot (125)1920×1085 99.9 KB
Screenshot (124)1920×1082 111 KB
Screenshot (104)1920×1080 154 KB
unknown1919×731 161 KB
NOTE: Open IV is NOT needed for installation.
Download: 23
Right click on FiveM press open file location then > fivem application data > citizen > common > data .
Drag and drop all files into < data >, and replace files if asked.
Launch FiveM and Enjoy <33
| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | N/A
| Requirements | FiveM |
| Support | Yes |
-=Stripped Content=-