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Search results

  1. P

    STANDALONE wais-multichar// wais-spawns

    This is a dead link don't bother
  2. P

    QBUS NP-EMOTE FIXED Keybinds Working and Save in Database

    no clue if this works
  3. P

    Snelweg matrix border

    Kan niks over die vent vinden.
  4. P

    Snelweg matrix border

    Iemand die weet waar je dit kan krijgen?
  5. P

    QBUS Multicharacter | Nopixel 4.0 Inspired 2024

    which one this one or the other thread?
  6. P

    STANDALONE 0r-craft [NoPixel 4.0 Inspired] [open source]

    You don't need it if you can code lol.
  7. P

    STANDALONE 0r-craft [NoPixel 4.0 Inspired] [open source]

    It works if you can code out the 0r-lib parts.
  8. P

    STANDALONE 0r-craft [NoPixel 4.0 Inspired] [open source]

    Getting sick and tired of these copy-paste kiddies trying to get a server going, but can't fix a single fucking line when shit breaks.
  9. P

    STANDALONE 0r-craft [NoPixel 4.0 Inspired] [open source]

    Did you ever get the Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of Undefined (reading '0')? I had that issue before and that caused some whacky shit with the preview placement.
  10. P

    STANDALONE 0r-craft [NoPixel 4.0 Inspired] [open source]

    Did you declare the variables? Because if you don't have createdWeaponObjectOnTable as a global variable, then the literal first line of this function if _weapon.object == createdWeaponObjectOnTable will be nil and it won't do much. Did you replace Koci.Utils:LoadModel(componentModel)? Because...
  11. P

    STANDALONE 0r-craft [NoPixel 4.0 Inspired] [open source]

    Code like this is far too complex to start learning. 0Resmon made the code so convoluted that a novice can't reverse engineer it for it to make sense. They have functions within subfunctions that to someone new makes 0 sense and they have no clue where to begin.
  12. P

    STANDALONE 0r-craft [NoPixel 4.0 Inspired] [open source]

    Yes because I can code, and I don't believe in handouts to people that can't code. If you can't fix a simple line of code, you have literally no business in having a server.
  13. P

    STANDALONE 0r-craft [NoPixel 4.0 Inspired] [open source]

    I removed all the Koci.Client.Craft: nonsense and converted them to regular functions. If you plan on doing the same, make sure you actually list createdShopBlips = {}, createdShopBenchObjects = {}, openedShop = nil, isTheShopOpen = false, shopCam = nil, createdWeaponObjectOnTable = nil...
  14. P

    STANDALONE 0r-craft [NoPixel 4.0 Inspired] [open source]

    Also for the record, This is just 0r-craft. Doesn't look like NoPixel in the slightest.
  15. P

    STANDALONE 0r-craft [NoPixel 4.0 Inspired] [open source]

    local modelHash = object.name if not HasModelLoaded(modelHash) then RequestModel(modelHash) while not HasModelLoaded(modelHash) do Citizen.Wait(1) end end local createdObject = CreateObject(modelHash, _coords.x, _coords.y, _coords.z...
  16. P

    STANDALONE 0r-craft [NoPixel 4.0 Inspired] [open source]

    It took me 2 hours to reverse engineer the 0r_lib parts. All it does with 0r-lib is spawning the items on the craft table, but that's it.. If you can rub 2 braincells together, you can code that yourself.
  17. P

    STANDALONE 0r-craft [NoPixel 4.0 Inspired] [open source]

    You don't actually need any of that. I have their chat resource that technically requires 0r-lib, but got it fully working without it. If you can code you can simply alter the dependencies.
  18. P

    STANDALONE some nopixel 4.0 scripts,Graphics Pack(fixed),inventory,4.0 Vehicles,maps....

    @SKYHUNT asking 50 creds for an inventory that's freely available on Github? Ok lmao.
  19. P


    This aint bad. But NP 3.5 is not interesting anymore.
  20. P

    ESX [ESX/QBCore] Doors Creator - Easily create doors in-game

    Oxlib does the very same thing. Why the hell would you pay for this.