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ESX [ESX/QBCORE] Wasabi’s Advanced Ambulance Job Unlocked !!! (1 Viewer)


Feb 17, 2024


  • 0.0ms on idle
  • Fully optimized
  • Players must be treated for injuries they die from or will respawn with less health / the EMT will receive less of a reward (Configurable)
  • Death animation synced and persistent
  • Medical Bag with instruments that treat possible wounds to add immersion to RP
  • Animations and props
  • Working stretchers
  • Built in easy dispatch system
  • Built in ambulance garage with aircraft compatibility
  • Integrated invoices (Optional - esx _billing/ Qbcore / okokBilling compatibility but easy to add custom in editable client.lua)
  • *Integrated cloakroom (Optional - Configurable between esx skin and wasabi’s fivem-appearance)
  • Integrate your dispatch, phone, notifications, and inventory with ease with plenty of editable code!
  • Support out of the box for GKS Phone & qs-phone dispatch (Optional/editable) New as of 1.0.9
  • Option to clear inventory on player death (ox_inventory/qb-inventory/mf-inventory/qs-inventory & esx supported)
  • Anti-combat log option (Player will return dead if disconnected while dead)
  • Extremely configurable
  • Multi-hospital support
  • Hospital check-in (Configurable)
  • Usable Medikits (Medics can heal others and themselves & civilians can heal themselves)
  • Usable Sedatives (Temporarily sedate players - Configurable )
  • Boss Menu access w/optional wasabi_multijob compatibility (Configurable)
  • Complete esx_ambulancejob / qb-ambulancejob replacement
  • GKS/Quasar phone distress signal configurable(Will disable built-in dispatch)
  • Wasabi Carlock / qb-carlock compatible (Custom car lock events can be added as well)
  • Target compatible(OPTIONAL - qtarget/qb-target/ox_target)
  • Very frequent updates planned / additional features planned

-=Stripped Content=-
Open surce ? ? ?
  • Post hidden due to user being banned.


Mar 2, 2024


  • 0.0ms on idle
  • Fully optimized
  • Players must be treated for injuries they die from or will respawn with less health / the EMT will receive less of a reward (Configurable)
  • Death animation synced and persistent
  • Medical Bag with instruments that treat possible wounds to add immersion to RP
  • Animations and props
  • Working stretchers
  • Built in easy dispatch system
  • Built in ambulance garage with aircraft compatibility
  • Integrated invoices (Optional - esx _billing/ Qbcore / okokBilling compatibility but easy to add custom in editable client.lua)
  • *Integrated cloakroom (Optional - Configurable between esx skin and wasabi’s fivem-appearance)
  • Integrate your dispatch, phone, notifications, and inventory with ease with plenty of editable code!
  • Support out of the box for GKS Phone & qs-phone dispatch (Optional/editable) New as of 1.0.9
  • Option to clear inventory on player death (ox_inventory/qb-inventory/mf-inventory/qs-inventory & esx supported)
  • Anti-combat log option (Player will return dead if disconnected while dead)
  • Extremely configurable
  • Multi-hospital support
  • Hospital check-in (Configurable)
  • Usable Medikits (Medics can heal others and themselves & civilians can heal themselves)
  • Usable Sedatives (Temporarily sedate players - Configurable )
  • Boss Menu access w/optional wasabi_multijob compatibility (Configurable)
  • Complete esx_ambulancejob / qb-ambulancejob replacement
  • GKS/Quasar phone distress signal configurable(Will disable built-in dispatch)
  • Wasabi Carlock / qb-carlock compatible (Custom car lock events can be added as well)
  • Target compatible(OPTIONAL - qtarget/qb-target/ox_target)
  • Very frequent updates planned / additional features planned

-=Stripped Content=-
nice one i appreciate it man


Active member
Mar 2, 2024


  • 0,0 ms alapjáraton
  • Teljesen optimalizált
  • A játékosokat kezelni kell az olyan sérülések miatt, amelyekben meghaltak, vagy kevesebb egészséggel születnek újra / az EMT kevesebb jutalmat kap (konfigurálható)
  • A halál-animáció szinkronizált és tartós
  • Orvosi táska olyan műszerekkel, amelyek kezelik az esetleges sebeket, hogy belemerüljenek az RP-be
  • Animációk és kellékek
  • Működő hordágyak
  • Beépített egyszerű kiszállítási rendszer
  • Beépített mentőgarázs repülőgépekkel kompatibilis
  • Integrált számlák (Opcionális - esx _billing/ Qbcore / okokSzámlázási kompatibilitás, de könnyen hozzáadható egyéni a szerkeszthető client.lua-ban)
  • * Integrált ruhatár (opcionális – konfigurálható az esx skin és a wasabi ötméteres megjelenése között)
  • A rengeteg szerkeszthető kód segítségével könnyedén integrálhatja feladását, telefonját, értesítéseit és készletét!
  • GKS telefonok és qs-phone küldés azonnali támogatása (opcionális/szerkeszthető) Új, az 1.0.9-től
  • Lehetőség a készlet törlésére játékos halála esetén (ox_inventory/qb-inventory/mf-inventory/qs-inventory és esx támogatott)
  • Harcellenes naplóbeállítás (a játékos holtan tér vissza, ha megszakad, miközben holt állapotban van)
  • Rendkívül jól konfigurálható
  • Több kórház támogatása
  • Kórházi bejelentkezés (konfigurálható)
  • Használható Medikit (az orvosok másokat, önmaguk és a civilek önmagukat)
  • Használható nyugtatók (átmenetileg nyugtató lejátszók – konfigurálható )
  • Boss Menu hozzáférés opcionális wasabi_multijob kompatibilitással (konfigurálható)
  • Teljes esx_ambulancejob / qb-ambulancejob helyettesítés
  • GKS/Quasar telefon vészjelzés konfigurálható (letiltja a beépített küldést)
  • Wasabi Carlock / qb-carlock kompatibilis (egyedi autózár események is hozzáadhatók)
  • Cél kompatibilis (OPCIONÁLIS - qtarget/qb-target/ox_target)
  • Nagyon gyakran tervezett frissítések / tervezett további funkciók

-=Csupaszított tartalom=-
úhh nagyon jónak tűnik köszi hogy feltetted


Active member
Feb 25, 2024


  • 0.0ms on idle
  • Fully optimized
  • Players must be treated for injuries they die from or will respawn with less health / the EMT will receive less of a reward (Configurable)
  • Death animation synced and persistent
  • Medical Bag with instruments that treat possible wounds to add immersion to RP
  • Animations and props
  • Working stretchers
  • Built in easy dispatch system
  • Built in ambulance garage with aircraft compatibility
  • Integrated invoices (Optional - esx _billing/ Qbcore / okokBilling compatibility but easy to add custom in editable client.lua)
  • *Integrated cloakroom (Optional - Configurable between esx skin and wasabi’s fivem-appearance)
  • Integrate your dispatch, phone, notifications, and inventory with ease with plenty of editable code!
  • Support out of the box for GKS Phone & qs-phone dispatch (Optional/editable) New as of 1.0.9
  • Option to clear inventory on player death (ox_inventory/qb-inventory/mf-inventory/qs-inventory & esx supported)
  • Anti-combat log option (Player will return dead if disconnected while dead)
  • Extremely configurable
  • Multi-hospital support
  • Hospital check-in (Configurable)
  • Usable Medikits (Medics can heal others and themselves & civilians can heal themselves)
  • Usable Sedatives (Temporarily sedate players - Configurable )
  • Boss Menu access w/optional wasabi_multijob compatibility (Configurable)
  • Complete esx_ambulancejob / qb-ambulancejob replacement
  • GKS/Quasar phone distress signal configurable(Will disable built-in dispatch)
  • Wasabi Carlock / qb-carlock compatible (Custom car lock events can be added as well)
  • Target compatible(OPTIONAL - qtarget/qb-target/ox_target)
  • Very frequent updates planned / additional features planned

-=Stripped Content=-
nice one i appreciate it man
  • Post hidden due to user being banned.
  • Post hidden due to user being banned.


Mar 8, 2024


  • 0.0ms on idle
  • Fully optimized
  • Players must be treated for injuries they die from or will respawn with less health / the EMT will receive less of a reward (Configurable)
  • Death animation synced and persistent
  • Medical Bag with instruments that treat possible wounds to add immersion to RP
  • Animations and props
  • Working stretchers
  • Built in easy dispatch system
  • Built in ambulance garage with aircraft compatibility
  • Integrated invoices (Optional - esx _billing/ Qbcore / okokBilling compatibility but easy to add custom in editable client.lua)
  • *Integrated cloakroom (Optional - Configurable between esx skin and wasabi’s fivem-appearance)
  • Integrate your dispatch, phone, notifications, and inventory with ease with plenty of editable code!
  • Support out of the box for GKS Phone & qs-phone dispatch (Optional/editable) New as of 1.0.9
  • Option to clear inventory on player death (ox_inventory/qb-inventory/mf-inventory/qs-inventory & esx supported)
  • Anti-combat log option (Player will return dead if disconnected while dead)
  • Extremely configurable
  • Multi-hospital support
  • Hospital check-in (Configurable)
  • Usable Medikits (Medics can heal others and themselves & civilians can heal themselves)
  • Usable Sedatives (Temporarily sedate players - Configurable )
  • Boss Menu access w/optional wasabi_multijob compatibility (Configurable)
  • Complete esx_ambulancejob / qb-ambulancejob replacement
  • GKS/Quasar phone distress signal configurable(Will disable built-in dispatch)
  • Wasabi Carlock / qb-carlock compatible (Custom car lock events can be added as well)
  • Target compatible(OPTIONAL - qtarget/qb-target/ox_target)
  • Very frequent updates planned / additional features planned

-=Stripped Content=-
thank you needed this for real

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